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Well the Patreon support staff appears a bit at loss about that glitch that is preventing me from posting a comment or replying to comments ... Let me explain more to you what it is about : since about two weeks now I have experienced a glitch on my page where I can't reply to you people commenting on my work. When I do, the comment simply vanish as soon as I quit the page and come back to it or if I refresh it, as if it never existed. It's like it's not registered by the site. I tried different browsers : Firefox, Safari and Chrome but the problem persist. ( I don't think it matters but I'm on mac, in the Lion OS ) The most puzzling thing is that it was very sudden. It worked just fine and suddenly the problem appeared... I hope it's going to be resolved soon, it really sucks : /



Hmm, have you considered making a second account and seeing if that works? It'd be a bother to switch back and forth if it works, but it might be worth it to try to see if it does work of if its an issue with your IP address or something.


Hmmm, that's really weird. So it's basically stopping you from posting anything that's not an actual post on your own feed? I have no clue what could be causing something like that . . . I remember a couple years ago on DA it wouldn't let me rearrange the order of my stories in sub-galleries . . . they always just reverted back when I refreshed. Eventually the issue just went away though, so hopefully it's something temporary like that.


Well.. it seems it's something tied to my account as I can reply with this one ^^;