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Well what do you think ? X3

A WIP for an illustration for that graphic novel of "succubi at work". I know several of you are really looking forward to it ;3

On the final version I plan to use some blurring effects to really convey more the sense of scale ^^






Oh wow! I love the concept of this one and it looks fantastic! The anticipation for this one is killing me! XD


I am so ready for this to be released x3


Loving the colour palette for this one karbo, a blur affect also goes a huge way to increase the look of scale so I can't wait to see how you pull it off , keep it up!




Gonna be a hell of a GN


Même moi, j'suis moins goinfre qu'elle ! XD


hot damn. what a glutton


I think I can say that there might not be enough room for one more lol

David Dent

Meny always has room for one more. Her belly makes pocket dimensions look small.

David Dent

Heh Menyssan never gets full! There is a reason I use her in allot of my Felaryan based swears when writing. She's so terrifying just as a glutton that her name is taboo, and being a voracious diva is only one of her least dangerous attributes as we all learned in that tome.


May I ask for details about this graphic novel that you speak of? First time I'm hearing of it :)


That stomach is way to large.


Something about the way you draw Succubi always makes me shiver o///o the slight smile and hint of pleasure on their face always looks amazing


Thank you ! I agree I'm starting to use blur effects and it's pretty potent. It's especially appropriate with macro-related work :)


Thanks ! I was aiming to make Meny looks a bit more predatory and menacing here, as lately she has been more used for comedy stuff ^^


Well years ago I wrote a story "succubi at work" my first and only writing in english actually XD Since it's one of the very first thing I did as Karbo, I thought it would be interesting to illustrate it now, years later ^^

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Whoa! this is terrifying to imagine for him 0.o Meny can be silly but when she gets hungry.......everythings on the table. I love her expressions in this pic. On the left you can tell she is writhing in pleasure from that MASS inside her. then on the right shes like "Ready to make me feel good too?" 0///o then you have his expression which is pure terror as he knows what he is standing on lol

Enigmatic Jester

I'm imagining this with the famous [MENACING] kanji from Jojo's laid overtop of it.


DAMN Menyssan's appetite really has no limits :O . Looks like there are even more preys in her stomach than during the eating contest with Crisis and judging by her expression she's still not satisfied yet ^^;


Has anyone ever asked Meny that question and gotten a 'no'? x3 Anyway, looks gorgeous so far. She really is in a class of her own as far as predators go.


I literally can't envision her refusing a prey because she's full XP