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Nice! Hm... How about Amara? Eria? Alais? Friti? Menera? Ipere? Sorry if none are good. I was never very good with names. ^////^


Funny pic. Where can I book my tour? XP

David Dent

Hey the blue haired fairy with stockings! Always love seeing her. Seems she's trying to expand to actually talking in her scenes, good for her! As for a name Abolonia seems to the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

David Dent

Hey don't know yerself. Those names are unique sounding to me!


If you seen this 3 sights, you seen everything in Felarya. And her name... I think Tamina is a nice name.


Aww, that was sweet of her :P As for names Aliya, Chanel or Serahna come to mind


I just make a name for each letter for you to consider: Armynda, Belaki, Carmella, Drysandi, Elixa, Forendil, Glyndora, Haroldyni, Irena, Julyna, Kellynda, Lucilda, Maribam, Neferassi, Opalenri, Peldina, Qoraki, Regalistra, Silifon, Tyrassio, Uldrany, Valynci, Wyndofelia, Xumari, Ysindola, and Zerika. Don't know if any are contemporary, I just thought of them on the spot looking at her picture and thought they could potentially fit her. Hope to find out who she is thought


Pourquoi pas un nom qui a un rapport avec les dents, comme Carrie (dentaire) ou alors Selema qui est obtenu en prononçant "nameless" à l'envers en retirant le n et le s


Hmmmm... what about Thistle?


Marvellous simply marvellous :O . It's interesting how you found an alternative route to realise my idea in a way I did not think about but also really really like ^^ . With some minor additions also from my original vision (see PM) this could really turn out to be my favorite fairy vore picture so far :-)

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

0.o leave some name suggestions for us :P I like alot of your suggestions tho and for off the top of your head their pretty creative!

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

"Welcome to the Felaryian tour Ill be your guide, now please place all sharp and wedge-bl objects into this box before we continue!" This is a great sketch, also really like this fairy, been wanting a continue of her. Hmm if I would be bold and place name suggestions id probably Leawyn, Summyr Tayena, Breawyn, Nyxie, Rhyanon, Tenanye, Faye ( for all the french peeps on here ), Fayetta. hope i helped :D


C'est donc ça, le "Felarya Tour"... *regarde autour de lui pour voir si il y'a personne et chuchote à Karbo* C'est combien, l'aller-simple ?

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Lol feel noobish now for suggesting Faye and Fayetta for a fairy name, thats like calling your son Human Jr lol


Does Crisis give tours too? o3o


Finally her!!!! <3 God I'm so happy right now :3


Something like "Kyrel" or "Kyril" feels really right to me, but it is just a name I made up. Maybe double L's at the end if you think it would look better. Also, gotta love the cute, somehow innocent, teasing from her to her prey!


Name-wise,I was thinking something like Hana, Flora, Aelan, Anthia, Kohia, or Lynae. Something flower related would go best with her in my opinion, preferably Aelan. Also great drawing. We need to see more of her.


10/10 best tour ever. What's felarya's version of yelp so I can leave a review?


So, i'd ask for a refund on this tour in particular. Especially since it's just one way. :P I Iris is a pretty name, that or something that starts with a y or z - i get that odd vibe from her. Zinovia ( Means welcoming ) or Zemora (which means "one who knows the way" in african lol) - Ironically Xiomara or Xio for short, means the same thing. I get the feeling she does this thing alot. There's probably a reason for it.


Here's one-Kallima. It means butterfly, in reference to her wings.


Clover, Azurine, Sebille, Eden. Just thought of those.


What a cute, dedicated and enthusiastic tour guide she is! Giving out 'free' tours like this, I don't see how anyone could possibly complain. I mean, this is pretty much the standard, 'classic', Felaryan 'tour', after all. :3


haha I know somebody with a similar sounding name actually ! XD


Beautiful ones here, a bit celtic sounding right? :)


C'est entièrement gratuit! C'est l'offre du siècle ! XP


Well she certainly hadn't any complaints afterwards for her services XD


I would pay good money for that tour :-D


Carrie.. c'est amusant parce qu'en anglais c'est un nom legit XD