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Hello ! sorry for the slow updates recently, the last few days have been very busy for me ^^; ( plus I was guarding the kitten of my sister and... well let's just say he was quite a handful XD )

I'm back in a normal rythm now though ! The next piece to come is the Anko comic, I'm coloring the pages right now. I decided to go for two different endings for this one. I let you find out what they will be XD

On others news I'm looking to finally buy myself a new computer which is going to allow myself to work so much quicker :) ( the current one is quite old and is really starting to get slow with photoshop.. )

I hope you're all having good vacations ! :3



Everyone loves an upgrade!!!

Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

I had same problem. You can build new pc at or under 1k usd and run beautifuly!


Is 'guarding the kitten of your sister' just code for hiding from Caylin after sitting in one place long enough to sketch that WIP?


Interesting to here there multiple endings to Anko comic, should be fun to see =P. Also nice on the new computer, new hardware always fun!

Minamoto Terumi

Oh yay, new computer! Make sure it's one you can play games on, them things are important.


Multiple endings? Now you got me even more anxious and excited for whatever you got planned. I have a pretty old setup too so I know exactly how you feel, take your time and everything will work out in the end. Good luck m8.

David Dent

*In Mr Burns voice* Vay...cay...shun? What is this word of which you speak? XD Naw in all seriousness I haven't had a true vacation in nearly 19 years by my reckoning. Had a pair of 'staycations' one lasting four days the other only one about two or three years appart . As for the Anko comic with twin endings I say good on ya! ^_^ Always good to play with new themes in the tomes


Pas d'soucis, gars ! Faut qu'toi aussi, tu t'reposes ! ;)


Go for it bro - you've certainly earned it!


Nouvel ordi? Tu le monte toi-même ou un pré-fabriqué? si tu le monte toi même va Rue Montgallet (si t'es toujours sur paname.) ils ont le meilleur rapport qualité prix.


on je suis vraiment pas calé en ordi donc je vais le prendre tout fait je pense ^^


All is good. It's summer time anyway so if things go slower (which is totally normal during that time) then so be it °__^. Hope you'll soon be able to enjoy your own vacation and take a few days off to recharge those batteries of yours. You sound like you could need it ^^; . Also best of luck with your new computer. If it's also for gaming make sure to spend at least 1k bucks so you can build a beast of a rig :-) .