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Hello all!

This is likely going to be the last sneak peek before I release the new test build. I've completed scripting the quests, I've a little bit of scripting remaining for some of the scenes and questlog, but I'm pretty sure my draft will be done by Sunday. I'll then spend the next few days testing and bugfixing, pluss finishing some remaining cutscene imagery. The plan is to release the test build on Friday 1st of March (yes, technically I missed my end of the month deadline).  I want to do one more short scene for Birgitte, this may not make it into the test build, time will tell:-). The official release of v3.31 will be on Friday 8th of March.

Have a great weekend everyone!





1st of march is fine. Then i dont have to chose between final fantasy 7 rebirth and peasant quest


Can't wait been so long since i played it