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Decided to upload a new build for Peasant's Quest. This build doesn't add any new scenes or quests compared to version 3.21, it mainly contains a few changes and fixes.

New Features/Changes:

- New floorplans for Edgar's shop, Marcus' shop and Frida's house. I exchanged the standard RPG Maker mapping with parallax maps for better movement and to bring them inline with the rest of the maps.

- Changed affection deterioration for females. Increased the grace period before affection loss to 10 days for now (I know most voted for 15 days, but I want to test 10 days first). Obeah now only loses 3 points per day instead of 5, after the first time she runs away.

- Changed cheatmode. Instead of random chests with loot here and there, there is now a central location with chests with certain useful potions/items. These will replenish everyday. Some will remain empty until you have unlocked the items via the quests. Good luck finding the new cheat activation (it's still on the same map).

- Some additional minor changes and fixes.

Download links for the complete game



Decryption key:  p2hyeyfRliijFlF1XL6qSEAjvun5NeuXaHBdH_fuJVY



Decryption key: qTDCvETDzSIBN2lM9wr2-obyXNFpb7pC9GYM1ob6afE



Decryption key: eix62SPmCuGnIMCLJcC5eW5lzPiPxXlPkuGx_IeIT0c


Wil be made available on Discord within a few days: https://discord.gg/Fzx2NBkqPd

Browser version

Will be made available on www.tinkerer-games.com as soon as possible.

Patch only

This is only meant for those who already have version 3.21. Unzip the zip file and copy the contents over the existing game folders/files. See the included "How to install" file for more information.


Decryption key: jGK6rfVORvIQ7oAKa5AyI6OCwpFz8IHIQvTDPCbdR2E

Have fun!



3.71 GB file on MEGA


Miastra Therianthropy

Why bother asking what the audience wanted if you are going to just discard that anyway? What is the point in that? Other then to just give the appearance of choice? It's very mega corp of you...


holding out for the giant part 2 update 😬😬


I honestly believe 15 days is a bit too much, I was hesitant to give that option in the first place, but I wanted to see if there was a spread in opinion. I suspect a lot of those that voted for 15 days would vote for 20, or to remove it altogether (which is possible already). I feel 15 days makes the mechanic a bit redundant, but I am mindful of the poll and am open to consider a further increase in the future if it makes sense.

Miastra Therianthropy

It makes sense, as you add more girls 15 days will be required unless the entire point of the game is juggling the harem. Which, at the point of reaching the Farm portion was all the game was until I engaged the cheat. My reason for voting for 15 days was to give time to farm or quest without having to loose rep with the rest of the harem. If the point of the game is to express how difficult it would be to be a Don Juan; then why change it in the first place when you can already cheat to turn it off?


My understanding is that juggling many girls being difficult is intentional. Which I personally like. 5 days was fine when only a few girls were affected, but insufficient as more were added. The Affection Cheat was added because of player complaints about 5 days not being enough. We'll have to see what more players think, and maybe have another poll when it's been 10 days for a while.

Miastra Therianthropy

Sure, another poll to give the illusion of impact upon the product. Personally I don't see the point but it's not my call. I have given my feedback for what it is worth.


Not worth much if you’re just going to complain, Tinkerer already explained that it might change again later and provided a reason as to why. Just play the game or don’t if you’re going to bitch.

Miastra Therianthropy

Interesting how my point was ignored and now hours later you come in with the insults. Listen, if you are going to reach out for customer feedback then you get exposed to both types. As for something 'constructive' why not set the relationship degradation setting as a difficulty setting. Ranging from "Realistic" with daily loss across all females, to 3 day, 5 day, 10 day, ETC. That way it's the choice of the player what level of juggle they want to deal with? Otherwise you are just bitching at me for not liking my opinion on the terrible PR. How about if you don't like my opinion you don't engage with it? Why tell me off and add nothing yourself to the discussion?


You really have nothing better to do than to complain which is fine I’m not going to entertain you any further than this. Your whole “point” was bitching about the developer of the game who made a decision you weren’t happy with. That decision they acknowledged wasn’t the results of the poll but it will still retain the option to change later if we collectively decide it’s better at 15. My point was to stop bitching about a game and if you don’t like a change made to the game that makes things easier for the players then don’t play it. Simple. See y’all next update ✌🏽

Miastra Therianthropy

Ah yes, the Star Wars argument. Shut up and consume product,. Don't think get excited for more product. Consume new product or else you hate (insert here). Tell me did that mindset help Lucas Film at all?


When we well see a new sneak peek


how can i find new cheatmode of the chest?i only found freddy's key


Just started playing and for some reason I can only see Gwyneths affection and Alice's affection stats but no one else's how can I see everyone else's affection stats?


You need to talk to the guy hanging around the door inside the tavern


Just played through again for the first time in a while and not sure if i did something wrong? Peeking on Beth is missing images (just says image missing? Erevi's daughter randomly becomes pregnant out of nowhere. there are no options for scenes with her even though i can see some vids in the game files. have i missed something?

Serious Andy

psst. check the discord


For some reason the closed helmet appears in my inventory but cannot be equipped. Is there something I can do to fix this? I tried selling it and then bought a new one but it doesn't fix anything


I believe you need training to use a closed helmet. Similar to plate armor. Do the temple quests with Ziva.


hello, i have a strange bug, when i enter in the cemetery i can't open the menù, and if i try the game stop working, showing the error "failed to load". how i can solve?


Is there a way to restart quest if you don’t like the bath you have chosen? Or want to try it again?

Chris Wreker

Do you have any links to any of your walkthroughs of your game?


The online version is still 3.21


The WT's are already included in the download, just look for the folder.. has been so for a loooong loooooong time.

Thanh Phong Phạm

Any one known how to capture bounty beast?


Equip the tranquilizer as your weapon and don't let partymembers kill it.