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Hi everyone!

I'm rather excited to bring you this news: Peasant's Quest now has it's own website! Apart from the patreon site of course:-). Thanks so much to Sadarex who set up the site for me!

The address is: www.tinkerer-games.com

The site contains a public area and an area for patrons only. 

Public area:

Apart from some general mumbo jumbo, I've made version NYD 1.21 of the game available for download to all. This is a quite up to date version since, as far as I know, there are no mayor bugs present. However, the public version will not be updated as often as the patron version, so over time the feature gap will grow considerably. This version of the game is for Windows only.

Patron/Members area:

Apart from a download link for the latest Windows version of the game, there is also a browser version of the game. So in theory you can play the game on any platform that has a web browser! A word of warning before you decide to play it on your phone: Although it is possible, the UI hasn't been altered to cater to touch devices, so playability may vary. But it's a start!:-)

Other than that all the game images are also more easily available for download in the members area. Oh, and make sure to log on to your patron account before entering the members area (that's how the site knows if you are a member, or not).

If you run into any issues, please notify me!






Ahhhh feels good, Like a warm pair of titties around the neck :D


Just one question though. I can't seem to download the images, neither the regular or HD ones. Clicking on them just refreshes the page


Damn, you are right! It worked fine for me as an admin. Likely something wrong with the Patreon plugin settings. I'll try to fix it.


Okay, image downloads should be up and running again:-)

Niels P

Will there be a walkthrough section on the site?

Dawid Han

Always surprising us with good and unexpected news heheheh


There are some walkthrough's available for download there, I'll add an up to date one, as soon as it's ready


Hey Tinkerer! Any word on an expected update date?


Hey Tinkerer. Is there any way to upload a save to the browser version of the game? I'm hoping to actually play the bat girl mini game and I think it might work that way ;P


I'm afraid you can't upload any save from the desktop version to the web version, or vice versa. But I'm told your saves made in the web game should migrate over to an updated web version automatically. I can't guarantee this 100% though, since this is the first web version :-/…..


Cool :-)


Hey tinkerer, just passing by to say Merry christmas and happy new year, that this new year be the best for you and for your project.