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Hi again!

As you may know I'm working on an update that will expand the temple of Qetesh. Among the new rooms will be a "Hall of Patron Saints". The walls of this hall will be inscribed with the names of Patrons who have contributed an extra-ordinary amount to the development of this game. These names will be visible to all players who visit the Hall of Patron Saints in game.

 I'm making this a fairly exclusive club, so I'm setting the value at 50$. Note: This is the total amount you have donated during the time you've been my Patron. So in theory even 1$ patrons can make the list. Although that is unlikely, since I do hope to finish this game long before I reach a 50 month development time:-).

I'll be updating the walls, with each new release, starting with the next release. I won't add any ones name until I've received a confirmation from you that you wish your name to be added. I'll contact those eligible either by email or by a message to your patron user. So please make sure to check both in the future (will start getting in touch next week).

Some simple rules:

1. You need to confirm that you want your name to be listed, and which name (real name/patron user/other nickname)

2. You will only be listed once.

3. Only western type characters. Sorry, but I can't do Eastern European, Asian, Arabic or similar type letters/symbols.



Shark Tooth

I've only been a nergalite for around half a year. Should the game still be in development in another 6 months, you can add me, if you like.


Had high hopes of completing the game this year, but doesn't seem very likely now. So there is plenty time for people to get their name on the wall.

Justa Badge

Just want to give feedback that the moving fire puzzle is no fun. Inb4 git gud.


I liked the fire puzzle, not using walk thrus it took a few to get it right


It's meant to be a bit challenging. Often easier to use the keyboard in some situations.