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Hi again!

So in the last poll the majority of you wanted me to keep working on events in or near the village. There are quite a few storylines left to finish there and it will take many updates to finish them all. I do not intend to complete them all before moving on to other areas of the game, but I'll likely spend at least the next three updates here. 

As this is a very broad category, I'm running a new poll to narrow down my first area of focus. As my first order of business I'm giving you a choice between some new game mechanics, a building expansion and a character that has been locked away for some time:

1. New game mechanics. Food.

This will give food a bigger role in the game. Allowing you to grow your own crop, make food and bake some very special pastries..... Eating food will be beneficial to your health, whilst hunger will do the opposite. Surplus crops can be sold. Your pastry skills will be honed by a new addition to the village: A cute halfling cook.

2. Temple expansion.

Populating the temple the way I'd like would take several updates,  but I have to start somewhere. Simply adding more rooms would be easy, but I want to add a little story to it. The player will need to head out on a quest encountering a more beastly creature than he's encountered so far. Complete with pregnancy scene. A successful quest will lead to the opening of sleeping quarters in the temple and the "Hall of Patron Saints". Patrons who have donated a certain accumulated amount, will get the option to have their names etched in stone (or at least pixels that look like stone:-) ).

3. More of Mia

No new mechanics, just more story for her. She's been grounded for quite some time and I'm feeling sorry for her:-). In addition to normal sex scenes, this will also add a beastiality scene.



I realize that there is still a lot to be done in this story but I was curious, with all the roads presently not being used is there any future plan for an Amazon Village? Just a thought. The addition of a totally female populated village add multiple possibilities for the MC and Ziva.


If Mia's story is getting kinky, maybe showing her grandma a good time would make her more welcoming.


Yeah, that would be nice, but you have to keep in mind that it's just me doing this in my spare time. Adding a whole new village will likely be many month's work. I once thought of making the village of Weird wood just a small stepping stone before reaching a larger city, that just became to ambitious. So for now other villages are on hold until I finish more of the events around our current one.


Yeah, several people have expressed an interest in grandma. I might just venture there...


Halfling cook getting no love, haha! 2nd option for the win, it's been quite a time since we seen another lovely bestial character in the game! Thumbs up for the great next update idea! Don't forget to give her some large curves. And will she be the only monster of her type, or more will come from her type? Ah, rather not spoil it here though.


Poor little halfling. It's gonna get a complex thinking no one want it.


Well, Victoria kept being downvoted in the beginning as well. Now she seems pretty popular. I may just sneak her in gradually...cause I really need those pastries...


It's a pretty rare beasty (although most fantasy tales feature one). So she'll be quite lonely.


Frida & Alice need some new content real soon

Shark Tooth

Hey Tinkerer. I don't think, you need to put every update up for vote. Should there be something on your heart, that you think this game needs, then by all means go with that impulse. You could make the voting an every second time thing or something else entirely instead? This will probably also be better in the end for the patreons, should voting every time, lead to you burning out creating content and not finishing the game. Best regards from Hajtand.


Well, I usually only put up the things I'd like to do next up for a vote. And then I often do some other stuff as well that I need for the game to progress. And I have skipped polls in the past too, when I knew I had to do a certain part of the game. So, don't worry, progression isn't completely random:-)