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After two rounds of voting, three characters for an upcoming trio of sisters have been chosen (see pictures above). It was a close race between the third and fourth place contestants, but the girl in the middle managed to grab third place in the end.

These sisters will be part of a larger optional side quest (I don't think I'm finishing this game in 2018 either:-/...). And I plan to at least introduce them in the next update (not the one for this month). I assume you can guess which map section they'll be popping up?:-)

Thanks to everyone who voted!




I can't wait to encounter these in game!


Hi Tinkerer, I just found your game this weekend and got incredibly hooked. Story is nice, your art is awesome, difficulty is well balanced. So you have my support :D - my ideas: create a questlog or something; think about a $10 or $15 reward section, bc your game is really good and people appreciate your work and want to support you


I agree with SilverSoul25 on the creation of the questlog but apart from the beginning of the game the reward of 10 to 15 $ is not very useful.


Just wondering if we could see the other options now? I'm just curious, and since the voting is over now.....


There were only four contestants, so you just missed one, but here is the material I released for the voting: <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!Y8c3yB4J!7Mh8ljtpHa2Cla7A6rLpsOdp58fIWkeyhmXEaWP6i6M


Hi, I'm really enjoying the game but I cant seem to get the puppies from Frega no matter what I do


You need to build up her affection towards you first. 1. Have you rescued the puppies. 2. Has she asked you to cum inside her (good indication that she has a lot of affection towards you)?


so any info on the next release