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My goal was to have an update ready by Wednesday, but I've been suffering from the flu the past week, which hasn't exactly done wonders for productivity, so I'm a little behind schedule.

The good news is that nearly all the script is complete and I have gone through my round of playtesting. I hope to release it to my quality control guy on Tuesday for further testing. The issue is that I'm still missing the renders for a final scene. So I believe the game won't be ready for release until Friday or Saturday.

Thank you for your patience.



No prob Tin.. take yr time :)


take your time, get better, do good :)


You don't say. Usually it only lasts me 2-3 days at most. It's been 1.5 weeks now, and I'm still not completely over it. The will to live is starting to return, though:-)


Dude, your game is just so much fun to Play. At first i was just trying because of the Pictures of all These nice Girls. but right now the Story is getting more and more better! Such a great Job! Keep it going! Your fan from germany


Will there be a mobile Version of the Game? For Android would be soooo awesome and it would sell Like hell.


Thank you, Martin. Hope to add a lot more story in the coming months (and more girls of course). The first two updates this year are heavily story focused.


I've been considering an Android version, the game editor actually has an export to Android function. But it will require a lot of testing to ensure everything works on a touch interface.


Okay, I'm even later than expected. Still have two more renders left to do. Release on Sunday/tomorrow.

Victor Lewis

cant wait.But please take your time perfection cannot be rushed