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Or just made something simple? I dont know. What do you think?



James C King

This looks great, but I kinda prefer the first - Assuming we can't have both :)


Хороши обе, но если с точки зрения фана - не хватает чего-нить из одежды, типа прозрачного платья или украшений. И мордаха. Она слишком уж лошадиная имхо.


The face looks nice here, but the pose is overall less powerful. It has a somewhat static feel to it. Is she presenting or just resting?


Simple is better in my point of view. I like both, and the first one is more "royal" than this one. If I had to choose I would say that I prefer Celestia in this position.


I like this one a lot better than the first. Really love the view.


Love this view :3


I like the first better, showed off her curves more I think.


mrr i like that view more, a good view at her sweet spot, sadly that sweet dounut wouldn't be easy to see "laughs"

Setsune Wave

I like the first one a little better: it feels more commanding.


Даёшь поней в массы! А если по существу, то обе хороши, но (имхо) этот вариант привлекательнее


I do like the all-showing pose. But I'm also quite fond of the more regal, but still shameless pose. I say do both. :P


I kind of liked the first pose, maybe with a more revealing view if possible.


I liked the first pose more. It was more old-timey glamor shot.


Was more into the first. This is still nice, but the first was more regal, better showed off her figure and assets. Just needed the face to be tweaked c:


I like what's on display here, but I like the atmosphere of the first one better

Stewart Simpson

I've always seen her as more of an authority figure than a cuddle figure. This pose seems too submissive.


This can be a model for Twilight at Celestia's feet in first picture

Eddie Murphy

I like this one better than the first one.


I like this one better. You put such love into modeling the pussy, it's always the detail I'm most excited about, especially on "famous" characters.


while a nice pose I like the other one more