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July materials is already in your pm! If you don't got one please let me know!

NEWS: I will go to Florida at this night it will be looong flight from Moscow -> London -> Orlando about 19 hours! Wish me luck! It wil be long trip from 3 to 21 august and I dont think I will be able to post something in this dates. But anyway its not mean you will not got your august materials. I already did more than half materials for august, so I think it will not be a problem to finish left piece when I'll back. :) + I will made some stuff on cons and it will be scan and post here exlusive for my patrons.
Anyway guys if you want to see me irl and say hello you can find me at Dealers Dan's on this cons:
Megaplex con (Orlando) 5-7 august
Rocky Mountain Fur Con (Denver) 12-14 august
Euroffurence (Berlin) 17-21 august

Seeya 21th august guys! Peace!


alessandro strini

yo milo i don't have it!!! can you please resend it? thanks ;)


Thank you :3


Have a great time!


Have a great time, hope to see healthy on EF :-)

Azure Sloth

It was great meeting you at MegaPlex. Hope the rest of you trip goes well.


Didn't received it. There's aproblem with my e-mail, i can't receive anything that isn't from a social network or hotmail it self. I've set an alternative e-mail for now. Can you resend it to me please?