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So guys, all materials of this July pictures (on preview) you will got 5th august! All future pictures in this month after this moment will be for august materials! Why so - I will move to huge con trip 3 - 24 august (Megaplex -Orlando, Rocky Mountain Fur Con - Denver and Eurofurrence - Berlin) and will not be able to make content. Hope you will not be mad. Now back to work!




No will still see you in Berlin :3 on the EF


Yay, will see you on Eurofurence again :-)


Wow, you're coming to RMFC!? That's like 10 minutes from me. :). I'm amazed and happy you'd come to our little con. Hope the temporary location isn't a turnoff -- our usual DTC spot is much better. See you soon!


It's 8,8k km from me XD Anyway it's not too small con for not arrive. Will seeya there!