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Its already in your pm. If you don't got one please let me know!



just did a $5 month pledge did not get mine


It's becouse you're new patron and still not make any pledge. You will be charge start from May materials.


I got an email saying I've received the April materials, but I don't see them anywhere. I see some images in this post, but it doesn't look like all of them. Am I missing something?


It have 5 images for April. If you dont have one please show me a link what you did get in my PM.


I sadly didn't get the april materials, this was unfortunately due to patreon not withdrawing the money in a timely fashion. Worked things out and it finally went through today though.


You payd for april material. Sometime its not arrived, thats why I need feedback. So.. thanx for feedback :) Send april materials in your pm.