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Love how deep this is.


I feel this piece in my soul...


Pink Floyd.....You raise the blade, you make the change, you rearrange me till I’m sane, you lock the door and throw away the keys...... there’s someone in my head....but it nots me.


Society forcing conformity on another soul.

Mythical Mango

Relate to this many times throughout life.


If this is happening, please do your best to not let it get you down or keep you there... Artist do not get the recognition or appreciation they deserve. You pieces are amazing in detail and spectacular in feeling. Don't let others who don't understand ruin something you love. Always try to take whatever you can by constructive critique, but don't let others try to change you form their personal view. That's their VIEW. They can't understand what they can't be. Keep your chin up and remember that this happens and you're better than those that try to change you for themselves.


The pic might be "deep" but I'm sorry, didn't you use to draw mostly erotic furry art. That was the reason why I became a patron at all. But now, not only do you post less pictures at all, I notice that you create more and more non-erotic stuff. Plus you seem to have changed your artstyle, from a clean and detailed one to a more "washed" and blurry style. I really liked your art a lot, you were one of my favourite artists, and been using exclusively your pictures as wallpapers for my phone and pc for many years, but since a while I'm thinking about canceling my patreon-pledge. Sorry.

Fenris wolf

I understand the feelings


This is where I can't see the sentiment, but can see the logic. I would rather try to encourage the artist. From my perspective, fap material is great and all, but the line work and care in the peaces are more important. I signed on to try and support some of my favorite creators when I finally could. I can see dry periods happening. It's inevitable. I see it like this, If the artist isn't willing to give up, why should I give up on them? This is an expression that screams stress and conflict. Too many people trying to "fix"and not genuinely wanting to help sharpen skills. This is why I'm here. To show I love the works and want to help the artist out, however little I can, as a sign of appreciation for them sharing their talents with us! Yes, there is a limit of inactivity, but as long as I see the artist trying, I'm here for the long haul if I can support it. Just my take on the situation from this image.

Teh Pron

This ain't it, buddy. Take the time to listen to folks who know what they're talking about, aye?


I just wanted to let Miles know why I, and maybe others are leaving. It is not that I don't want to support him. But by putting a 5$ pay wall on the HD material and forcing the patrons to subscribe because if they don't they might miss out on the Highres-packs, that are gone forever if you miss them, is a bit to forced for my taste. Sorry, but that is a lot of money for me and trough covid I'm in a situation where I have to think twice if I can afford so much money for something like that. But like I said, I like his artwork a lot and don't want to risk missing out on Highres-Packs that are gone forever afterwards. I think critique is important we aren't a cult here and if he is pretty much wanting money for goods I think he should be able to take it and maybe even think about it.


I agree with you. I am also considering canceling the commitment. It is not worth 6 dollars a month.

Kit Foxboy

It’s your right to bail, vote with your wallet and all that, but I think you’re hurting your overall goals of hotter erotica when you restrict someone’s art. Artists don’t deserve to be pigeonholed and it hurts their overall quality and output if they can’t ever explore new themes or ideas. Ask yourself what percentage of an artist should be dedicated to one thing you’ve decided they exist for before you leave.


Wow. People are actually upset that Miles drew something they liked, instead of just... erotic stuff? I hope you don't listen to these folk. Do your thing, Miles.


Artists need to show that they are more than fap-materials generators


(Stupid Return key) material generators, and real-life events are going to produce inspired artwork like this. This is how we all grow, as artists and consumers. Keep doing your thing, Miles.


Still one of my fav pictures. Even if I can just interpret what it is about...