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Hey all guys. I just inform that you don’t worry, all materials for December will be fill, I still waiting to repier my work laptop from service. Been not lucky to lounch Cyberpank on this, something exploded inside. So service dude said it will be back on this week and I’ll start to work.

Anyway it’s been not lucky year, but don’t worry, if something bad happens it’s for good stuff in the end.

Marry Christmas there!


Holo Wolf

Sorry to hear this. I hope all goes well and all the data is safe or can be recovered.


I heard about cyberpunk being bad but to go as that far. Thats just sad T_T


Sorry to hear this, man. I was worried for a sec that the online reaction to your last pic discouraged you from drawing for a while. Cant wait to see what you have in store for this month, and best of luck with your computer!

James C King

Merry Christmas Miles (Be it now or a few weeks time, depending on your calendar). Hope you get your laptop back soon


Heres hoping you never have anything explode inside your computer again.


It's mostly bad on console. On pc it runs pretty well but can push a laptop really hard and make it overheat pretty fast if you don't use additional cooling fans.


Wait... Cyberpunk exploded you laptop?!


Jeez, that's not good. Here's hoping you get it back soon. ^^


I'm sorry but the fact that CP killed it is a bit funny. GL with repairs tho hope to see more great art soon!


Cyberpunk was downloading some seriously bad stuff....ransomware for one. There is talk of lawsuits due to the damage the caused with the dirty launch. It’s why I wait a week or so before loading new games....the buggy play is bad enough but ransomware is just too much.


I found out later. Still the game was full of problems on day one. They seem to be getting it up and running.