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Okey guys, I just need to type this to clear something. I been really distracting this months, the peoblem with my hand and I live out of home right now. Hand is almost recovered and all fine, hope soon I can back to home and work without stress. Am sorry I skip pinup pool last month. I will run it again this month. And I have some problem with Mrs. Brisby, I really want to draw somethig good with her, but I need to sit and think about it wich I don't have time to made it right now. And between to draw something not what I want or draw nothing I will choose second one, and will keep it for more good times when I'll be more stable and piecefull. September been really chaotic for me and am sorry for not making somethig special, It been more for my personal pieces that can help me feel better. Anyway it's not my normal mode and I plan to restore. Hope on your patience and undestanding.



No worries, you do what you need to. Your art is awesome regardless


It's all good mate. Your a great artist that makes great artwork (: if you need personal time, time to recover, anything like that it's fine. Hope you keep well (:


Its ok man - take as long as you need! You dont have to apologise. Cant wait for Mrs Brisby - she's great!

Alex Fenn

Im here to see your art and work so whenever you want to dish something out ill gladly wait especially if it means you can heal up and be back at 100% you take care of yourself and dont push yourself too hard


Please do not worry. Your personal pieces have been beautiful and if you need to take your time that is also not a problem.

Stoker Bramwell

You have nothing to apologize for! We all want you to be happy with your work and healthy in your life

Ohad Kanne

It's all good 💙 and your honest and openness is much appreciated! Thank you, and here's to a better month!


It happens, it's life. Don't worry about us and make yourself comfortable.


My dude, no worries at all. Life hits us all in unexpected ways at times and there’s no need to beat yourself up over any of it. I’d rather wait for you to do these things in your own time and get them done the way you want them, than have you rush through and put out art you aren’t happy with.


Take care of yourself first ❤

Isiah James

You dont have to apologize. Were all going through a stressful time so do what you can do but please take care of yourself over everything else.


Art isn't worth hurting yourself over. Take all the time you need.


No worries Chief, you just rest and focus on recovering. ^^


Take your time! Life can be stressful and I'd rather wait longer for your best quality work than have you rush yourself, especially with an injured hand


Not an issue. Quality and your wellbeing is far more important than Quantity and burning yourself out.


I for one would rather you take the time and take a break to let your hand heal and deal with your health and what not than have you push and make it worse.

Fenris wolf

Take all the time u need man


Take care, life gets rought when we don't need it to


Take care of yourself first. Would love to see your ideas roughed out


Ps, do the owl