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Hey guys!

My patreon is pretty silence place, it's ok to you and you feel comphortable? Or you want to see something more here? If you are, please let me know



I enjoy what's on here. Not sure what else could be added.

Casey Heckenlaible

You are easily one of the more active patreon’s I follow so all in all I’d have to say you are doing just fine. ^^

Christopher Walls

Yeah, Patreon isn't really a place many people go to socialize. Discord is usually more where that happens. I love your content, I'm just not much of a posting kind of person.


I love you art , it's awesome

Rachel Roth

This is honestly excellent, don't worry :)


I don't worry about it. When your art pops up, its always exciting to see what you've been working on.


Keep doing what your doing.


Your art is great, and your choice of chars are usually great. You keep up polls making sure you draw what people like, and have asked for new chars that you haven’t drawn before. I’d say you’ve done a really good job, and put in more effort than most artists to make sure your patrons are happy. ^.^


Like the other comments say, this place isn't well meant for long conversations. I personally prefer to talk in Twitter or Discord. Honestly, this is one of the most active Patreons that I've seen so you're good in my opinion.

Affendy HMT

Keep it up the the best you have in you.


Absolutely awesome. Maybe add Mavis Dracula to the polls sometime?


you draw a lot of great stuff, i'm really bad at commenting anything interesting X3

von Boomslang

I'm good. I'm just here for the good art and you provide.


Like the others say, I get so excited to see what you work on, because in my opinion your the best. Thanks for caring and taking time to respond, when we have questions.


Honestly everything you do is amazing! Nothing wrong with how things are running at all


It's always cool to see what new work you post here so keep doing what your doing.


I'll be honest, I don't talk here much because patreon is pretty slow and annoying to use. Also what WhiteFang said.

Sentry Jman

I just like lurking, I think your art is awsome


Same. If you have something else thought up that could also be done then that would be awesome. If not, then keep doing what you’re doing. Your artwork is great.

Leroy Fontaine

All good, I love your art, just don’t forget Bianca the rabbit forever, lol

jo holloway

i'm on here regularly


I love the content! Keep doing what you have been doing. :)


Something a little more every now and then would be nice


i'm honestly fine with how things are.


A little more furry art would be nice but I’m fine with how it is


I enjoy what comes out


Maybe "progress pics" or just "sketches" you do!

Metall Andrei

Will you make any more Waterholes or Workout Sessions?


I'm fine, and felt you did a good job. As for something to see, alot of people say more furry, which I agree with. I would add that seeing more obscure character's would be cool too. As an example, Mira Nova from "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command", along with Gravitina of the same show whose Gravity powers would make an interesting sexy funtime. Swat Kats, Mona Lisa from TMNT, etc. Really test your nerd muscles :P


I think you're doing absolutely wonderfully as you are my friend! Marvelous effort and consistency across all months!


I quite enjoy this place


Please more arts, thank you so much!


How odd a comment, looking for any sort of feedback in particular Miles?


When this whole covid thing causes my money to dry up enough where I have to start cutting Patreons, you will actually be one of the few I don't cut support to. That's how good I think you are and how much I like your work...

Eduardo Estrada

Im going to be honest wish you would do a comic of judy in your art way. Or atleast make more story from that fox one...

Will Itfit

I feel very comfy. I look forward each month to your art pack and I really enjoy seeing you work. Personally, I'd love to see more Zootopia and Beastars images, even kinkier or more pervy - but I'm quite happy with what you give us.


I thought I was the only one who still thought of swat kats. I think that show turned me into a furry 😂