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Toriel wins!

Am not exacly know much about the game, but I'll read some wikipedie and will watch some youtube gameplays. Will see what can I'll do with her :)



Grant Hynd

It’s good to hear you are bothering to do some research on her before drawing, some wouldn’t bother with that and just draw her in a generic scene, but as I know the game well, there are some interesting things you can do with her, being a mother character for one does do well for my love of milfs, so something at least showing her or saying something as a mother will get too points from me :p


In same time I dont promice I'll do something special. I always do research If I'll not know enouth about a character. The main problem is - not to find any good idea about the picture. But, I'll try to do something original... well if not - just two pinup picture with her XD


Yay for goat mom!

Cass. Wyvern

Maybe a sexual soul corruption route?