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Ouch lol :D


Just couldn't emulate the Sonic artstyle.


Is there going to be any more Emerald bat? Like the last ones

Grant Hynd

a couple of things are off for this one, first off, why Sonic? usually when Rouge is concerned it is usually Knuckles the one who is normally paired with her, or even Shadow would be a better candidate, as they have worked together before, and second the characters look not the best in your style, and going off what a few people have said, they would of benefited a lot more if you at least tried to do a bit more of the Sonic artstyle, so while I like the premise, the choice of character for her is not suitable, and both don't look all that great style wise, had a lot of potential, but fell flat, a shame too for a character I was looking forward to seeing, and who has been in the running for a long time deserved better, really disappointing for me

Grant Hynd

On a side note, what happened to you showing example ideas before going through with a choice chosen by your followers? feels like I am seeing less of that these days, and this pic at least could of definitely benefited from some outside imput


Grabbing Emeralds has never ben more satisfying


Becouse I dont have time on it right now. August is over but I still need done 3 pics :)


So that’s where she hides the Emeralds 😍


Hope that didn't come off wrong, it will simply inform my voting. I want Aisha Clan Clan to in but I have to consider what she will look like when drawn a certain way.


I have to second this. Not being paired with Knuckles is odd, but it's an artistic choice so I can live with that. But the difference in art styles is so jarring. It's not that the picture is bad - it isn't - it's just that it's so disparate from the art style of the source character that it's hardly recognizable.


I utterly adore how they look in your style Miles, sexy as hell! ^^