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Okey guys, good news I already send supersponsors material with prints and books. Bad news: all those prints and books was really heavy and my back say - no you will not be in time with June materials. I did MRI and my spine is fine, so its just was muscels overload. I anyway on the bed with my pain now, but I get some injections, its help me to quickly recovery ...I think its good Idea to spend all of your money for medicine, how you think? :)

Anyway it was not smart and I'll just made it different next time. One more sorry guys.




Get well soon!


First OUCH!!! No wonder you have back pain! Second, have you heard the expression “going postal”? Not sure your mailman will pick that up in one trip. Or that he (she) will ever like you again. I am not one of the supers here but I do say you treat all your sponsors exceptionally well if you are willing to do this much work. Thank you for all you do. Now take you meds and rest! 😊😊😎


Back pain is no joke, I hope you have a swift and uncomplicated recovery. No stressful activities for you.


Yikes! Hope you get better Miles. I'm not one of the super-sponsors either, but I hope they appreciate the work you go through. Get well soon!


I can not wait ti get them


That's a lot, no wonder you got some back pain after carrying it. Get well soon :)


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