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I will fill pictures for this month, dont worry.

The reason is why I still not post pictures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallstone

Yep, sadly I know about this too late, the disease did not bother me at all, but in middle of the month after christmas celebrate I did feel not good and try medical ultrasount.

It was surprise for me I got many of stones inside of me and they mostly fill my gallbladder. And only one way to pull out them its operation with cutting of my gallbladder.

I dont know why this happen becouse am not realy eat much cholesterine or sugar food. The doector says its more heredity problem.

So its 4th day me without my gallbladder after operation. This is was laparascopy operation and operation was successfully completed.
I feel much better now and can start work soon. I still need a bit time for postoperative recovery.

So as I said before dont worry, you will get all materials for this month. Maybe will be a bit delay.

Thanx for attension and take care yourself!



Have a safe recovery


Feel better soon

Furry Observer

I'll pray for you.😌 hope you get better soon.


Hey, did that myself recently. Don't be in a hurry to sit up and walk around, it takes a while to heal. Watch tv and get better.


God damn this must be painful...

Aang Slyver

Health before anything. Hope you get better


Don't worry about a thing, your health is more important. Focus on getting better and don't worry about getting more up. We know you would if you could. If you can't, don't even fret. Like what Aang, health before anything!


Oh, nasty. You take as much time as you need.

James C King

Look after yourself, glad it was all successful


Good luck man. Had mine out about 6 years ago. Wound up being one of the unlucky few to have complications. Keep your feet up and hope for the best. :D


Get well!


I’m glad you got through it a okay. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take your time and have a great recovery. 😁👍


Glad you feel better. Take care!


Take care bro !

Eddie Murphy

:-( I'm glad the operation went well and you're feeling better. Hope you recovery quickly!


I'm glad your op went so well Miles, take care of yourself ok?


I'm glad you had a successful operation on your and you're feeling better an doing well with your recovery from surgery.


So sorry to hear about your illness but I am glad they were able to treat it. A speedy recovery to you!! 👍😊😊😊

jo holloway

damn, both my cousin and one of my best friends went through that. we will look forward to your return when your feeling better.


Get well soon, Miles! Glad to hear that you are feeling better and don't worry about any delays, health comes first! :)


I have had the same thing happen to me, recovery sucked. I wish you the all the best and a complication free recovery.

Leo G.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Glad to know that you're feeling better.


Sending you well wishes for your quick recovery and good health.


take care miles! wish you a quick recovery! And do remember to eat food that has less fat/oil X3