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Grant Hynd

I kinda feel Rena doesn't quite suit your style, she doesn't look quite right to me, oddly enough I actually prefer how Growlmon looks more, the detailing of the scales is a nice touch to see, and the more feral position of the way he is sexing her is nice too

David Ewell

Great job here. Lots of folks would like to be in Growlmon's place.

jo holloway

now that i see her with another character i notice that she has a softer feel to her colors and how you drew her, kinda like she's a dream. that said, sexy-mon is still damn sexy. also happy new year! of everybody i support on patreon, you are the first to post anything in 2018!


It is a great job, but it might just be me are the tail missing in the sex version?


Sexy Renamon artwork Miles-DF excellent art