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Yes guys I still need to finish one picture with gazelle but problem is my hand, and problem calls  Tenosynovitis. Am not sure actualy it is or its  Carpal tunnel syndrome. But simptoms more like tenosynovitis, I cant moving my left hand for hotkays horisontal becouse pain. I still cant go to doctor becouse its fucking fridays here in russia to tuesday. Anyway I still work becouse my drawing hand is fine and I can work, not so fast but I can.

Anyway thanx all for support becouse I can spend some on doctor. :D

I think I can done until 9th.



Ouch, take care Miles. <3


Hope you get well soon!


Aw, damn, that kind of hand issues are annoying. Take care. Is way worse if you force yourself. Take care! ^^


Take care ! Hope you gonna be fine soon ! <3


Take some anti-inflammatory medication if you have it and STOP using your hand. Rest it, relax it.


Хей! Давай выздоравливай, ты чего?


Haha, yeah, I already use flex belt for my hand and anti-inflammatory medication using too. I trying not moving my hand much, change hotkays and put them to close aria for not moving my hand much. I will be resting only after am done october materilas. People payng for this! XD


Ouch ! Take care !!!


Loish suffers with the same issue, she wishes she had stopped to rest her wrist/hand and urges all artists to rest at the earliest signs as it can become worse very quickly and permenant. So rest up . And ease back into it. , It's better to slow down now then carry on till you can't draw anymore.. fans can wait, if they don't then you would get worse and wouldn't be able to draw atall , so they would miss out. Take care Miles!


Wow, Loish. Well those crazy artist never know when to stop XD Thanx anyway!


Take care! I hope you feel better soon.


I am sure everyone understands if you take time to heal. It is much better to rest for some time than to get permanent damage, so take care and fell better :)

James C King

Just to add to everyone else: Take it easy, let yourself heal and get good medical attention. Everyone here will understand and look forward to hearing that you've returned at full health


Wishing you getting well soon and rest your hand :)


Might want to get checked for gout, as well. The symptoms are very similar.