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Expencive bag of Gazelle was stolen. Judy did take that case and ask Nick for help. In the process of investigate they find Finnick and Gazelle trying everything in Finnick's trailer. Judy was a bit shocked by Gazelles new boyfriend and situation. Nick is not surprised becouse its just Finnick and he can got any chicks easly.

The questions are:

1. Do you like the idea and can we keep with that? This picture is for Judy and Gazelle in the pool. So I will deleted them both from pool if I will done the picture.

2. If possible, wichone dialoge you will prefer for Judy and Nick in this situation? I just will plan some comic bubbles on this. Or just without dialogue?

3.Wichone attributes I would add on the picture for better undestandeble of backstory?




Where can I find part 1?


Nick could be saying something like "I guess she's not too worried about her bag being stolen." Also you could have a version where Nick and Judy are 'inspired' by what's going on.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/investigation-7060080">https://www.patreon.com/posts/investigation-7060080</a>


1) Yes, I do like it 2) I feel like Nick would be saying something cheesy (flirting?) 3) Maybe a wanted picture?


My only critique is that Judy is about a head shorter than depicted. :-) But I expect her and Nick will becoming the "beast with two backs" in the second image.

Eddie Murphy

1) I also like the idea. 2) Maybe Nick is saying something about how Finnick is compensating Gazelle for the theft of her bag? 3) Maybe a poster nearby with a reward for info on the stolen bag? Also, are you planning a version of the image where Nick and Judy get turned on by what's happening and decide to give in to their animalistic urges? Maybe Nick pushes Judy up against the wall and takes her from behind.


Nice, but maybe have Nick fiddling with Judy just a little, slipping a hand down her pants or something like that.


i like it but my only issue with it is that it doesnt feel like much of a judy pin up.

Holo Wolf

1) I really like the idea 2) in my opinion the situation "speaks" for itself 3) A warrant or poster for the missing bag


It's a very nice picture for Gazelle, but it doesn't really seem right as a Judy pin up. Might be easier to just change Judy/Nick's stance to something like Judy staring in while facing the window(so we can get a nice angled view of her rear end), and Nick feeling her up, or maybe doing something even more intimate, that might work better.


1) Love the idea of Judy and Nick stumbling the "situation" at Fennick's van, but I thought the pin-up is for Judy alone. I would like to see this picture finished, it is a great idea. 2) Nick would probably make a comment along the line, "Well, that's a very interesting interrogation technique for drilling... I meant, grilling the suspect for information. Oh, wait, that is the suspect doing the drilling.... my bad 🤗 "

Metall Andrei (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-07 18:50:11 今回のこころはエロすぎる!素晴らしい。
2017-08-29 19:21:33 1. Put Judy on the other side of the van, with here back to us, so we can get a good ass shot, maybe bent over, looking inside the van. 2. Something like "Nick, isn't that the suspect... with the victim? " and Nick goes "It sure is" 3. I'm thinking a poster with "Help wanted, generous reward!" or "Have you seen this bag? Call xxxxxxx"

1. Put Judy on the other side of the van, with here back to us, so we can get a good ass shot, maybe bent over, looking inside the van. 2. Something like "Nick, isn't that the suspect... with the victim? " and Nick goes "It sure is" 3. I'm thinking a poster with "Help wanted, generous reward!" or "Have you seen this bag? Call xxxxxxx"


I definitely like the idea of doing then both in one image.


К о тебе мешает сделать два варианта?) Один с диалогам, другой без


Judy won the poll, yes? You should definitely do something with Judy specifically! ...But I like what you have here, it'd be nice if you could do something for both. That way you get both out of the way. Otherwise... Judy won the poll, and Gazelle is the star of this image. Which isn't really what the poll called for.


1) I **love** the idea, so very much. In fact, I really long for more extended series, rather than pinups. That way, you may use some of our ideas in further scenes, detailing the overall 'Investigation' series. 2) Hmm... Maybe something along these lines: Judy: 'T-that's... H-He's thicker than my arm!' Nick: 'What's wrong, Carrots? You've never seen a **real** predator... Stick?' 3) I imagine Judy being both very aroused and ashamed of herself: she should rub her thighs (and unconsciously leaning against Nick’s hand, which should grope her ass quite hard: he’s a **sly** fox, after all ;)) while being unable to keep her eyes away from the scene. And she could use a slightly sexier version of her uniform: leave her on tight, low-rise police pants and a matching top bra, revealing her entire midriff and arms. It’s hot in there, after all ;)