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Just wanted to address the plethora of discord inquiries from months back that have been posted onto the Members Posts tabs - which I get no notifications for so I've never checked them lol

If anyone is interested in joining the Patreon discord (which is just a chill place to hang, say hi, and share art with each other nothing exclusive or groundbreaking) but if you're interested make sure that your Patreon and Discord accounts are linked in your settings so you can get the auto invite. 

Sorry I've never checked the Member Posts, again Patreon does not notify me when ppl post there so if you need to get in touch about something pls DM me - otherwise, I most likely wont reply.

Thx everyone for your support as always! Rubyer and B-Team stuff on deck 



Bash Canooca

I wasn't aware of a discord server can you DM me an invite because even though I have everything set up I don't think I ever got an auto invite

Geo V.

The most ill do is call you a dirty burrito boi. Other than that, that's the extent of my interactions. Unless you play a game called Mobile Legends. If you do hit me up.