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Updated hero roster (still working on the 4th, Paladin member of the group) 

Whatever new form Guild Breakers takes its gonna be another reboot with an updated title - mostly to avoid any potential hangups with the fact that we used the word "Guild" in a pitch attempt to [Big TV Studio] with some friends last year. 

TLDR DUMPER: "My ONE experience out here trying to pitch a show in Hollywood"

 Luckily none of my characters from my og Guild Breakers were used in our studio pitch, so I still have full ownership of them as well as my base concepts for them. 

It's all good because there was still a lot I wanted to change since finishing the first two cartoons. So starting from scratch again is actually great. 

Thinking back on the whole pitching process from last year, it was a big learning experience, and a much needed one. I found out that nepotism really works (my friend had a buddy at [Big TV Studio] who literally just made a phonecall and got us a pitch meeting in realtime. Crazy.) 

But I also learned how important it is to work on something with the right people. 

The group I was working with is really talented but ultimately we didn't gel on a lot of things and writing on longform material with them was not an organic experience.. 

It didn't help that our 4-man team was my two friends who've known each other since college and share the exact same tastes and then their third friend who equally shared those same tastes and interests... It was not an easy time keeping up with them and I was always feeling left out because I didn't get a lot of references or in-jokes they would all make with each other.

 While they would try to be inclusive of me, I felt like I didn't have much I could offer in this new direction we were taking the project... And it was apparent that I wasn't flowing too well with the group. 

So without meaning to they ended up taking over the entire project.

But this was all good because at this point it was a new IP we were developing to SELL - which was totally okay with me because we weren't using my characters anymore and we had updated the whole story to be an entirely new thing.

By the time we'd finished the whole pitch package we had written out 10 episodes with 3 completed scripts, and I had finished all the character designs and synopsis's written out. 

We pitched our new show to [Big TV Studio] and they were super nice - but within a few days they got back to us saying that while they liked our idea, there were already too many fantasy projects in their pipeline to pick up another, so they gracefully rejected us.

As of now our project is on a big hiatus. The group wants to fund an animated teaser and look into crowdfunding an animated series - but I've been down that road too many times already to know that ain't gonna work out unless you got some celebrity frontlining that shit lol. 

I'm also so creatively checked out of the project at this point. I don't see it as my project even though I'm one of it's creators, and if anything ends up becoming of it all I'll ask is to maintain that creator credit for my portfolio. 

My groupmates are all working on their own things right now and I've since returned to working on mine. 

I need a big break from fantasy after all of that - and while the whole experience was a mentally turbulent one for me, I don't regret it at all and was ultimately proud of everything we had created together. 

I learned a lot from my groupmates and appreciate all the time we spent working with each other. But in the end I might not be cut out for this industry shit -- not yet anyway. 

I need more experience. 

One thing I know for sure though - is that it is NEVER a waste of time to make your own content and try to build up a following for it online. A studio is more likely to not only pick up a project - but also give its creator a better offering if they see their material already has a loyal fanbase backing it. 

in their rejection letter [Big Name Studio] advised us to pursue our project and produce it on our own, saying that we would have a better shot pitching it around that way. 

So hearing that from them was probably the biggest learning tidbit I got. 

I still have hope that my own material can reach those heights one day. 



Patrick Ruff

In this life It's all about how you know brother. Make sure to keep in touch with your friend so it doesn't seem like you are only contacting them just for their connections, even though you aren't, just some advice brother!


Yes, you know, nevertheless, interaction with the right people is an important detail in our life and it is important to find exactly the right people who will give you inspiration and support.


If you still want guild in the name how about Guild Wreakers also hope Shay comes back


thx, luckily we won't lose touch, I already knew them from years prior and had worked on a few small things together. So our relationship wasn't just a one off or anything like that


This was a great post. Thank you for sharing this story and your thoughts. I am definitely sure that your own stuff will also be successful!


That’s really interesting to hear. Never give up on your passions, it’s crazy to see how far you’ve come and I can’t wait to see what’s next