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Burrito Boy's is ranked on the bottom of Makeship's ongoing campaign page... competition on their site is MASSIVE.. These next 3 weeks'll be a big test in marketing for me.. and I'm really starting to wish that was my major back in school!



Patrick Ruff

Never to late to go back, or there is always youtube


What the hell, her tits were NOT that big in the YT thumbnail lol


design glow up lol (that burrichu was Burrito Boy dressed in drag - but Im thinking of an AU where she IS the Burrito being of that universe xD

Pepe Mora

It's okay my dude, you just happened to release your plush at the same time as the carbot zerling plush, it's pretty much the same as the situation between battleborn and Overwatch. Not saying your plushie is bad, it's just that the Zergling's design is really really plushable. TLDR: not your fault homie, just awful timing