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With an actual PERSONAL VENT included: 

Just some personal vent and support illustrations I did during this... overtly depressing week. But still recognizing that everything going on actually shows a lot of progress here in the States, the fact that the murder got EVERYONE caring and talking about police brutality, police corruption, systemic racism, and the mistake that way too many of our tax dollars have gone into militarizing our police system. 

I've gotten a little bit of flack for being "spontaneously political" with my art posts - but I personally don't feel like this is about politics or 'me trying to be woke'.

 I see it more as an opportunity to call attention to a really big problem in my own country and support the communities who have been dealing with it the most and trying to raise awareness about it the longest. 

Hopefully the art looks cool enough to where you get something out of it too and maybe even inspire you to do some research on your own and (EDIT: The Police Need To Change)




Not to spark a response but to provide insight. To people who's voices aren't being heard, the last thing peaceful protestors need is to hear "Fuck the police" to become angry rioters who loot and destroy for attention to their issues. That can incite all kinds of bad attention. I agree, there are issues and peaceful protest is the answer. Many cities have sparked change already because they march with a permit and peacefully preaching only their message and never antagonizing. Love you and the art Matty. Stay safe.


That’s a really good point. I’ll be sure to update the description. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I let my emotions get the better of me.


I can remain totally peaceful while letting the police know that they can go fuck themselves. Civil rights legislation didn’t pass before MLK died. It didn’t pass right after he died. It passed after America rioted for nearly a week straight causing millions in damages to get the point across that “no justice = no peace” I stand with Matty to voice his opposition as an artist in his own way. No attention is bad attention when those in power understand that we are not with them if they disagree. That’s why target said they understood and would just rebuild. Damn right they will. ACAB.


Tear gas is a chemical weapon used all over the world by law enforcement to control riots and disperse crowds — from the United States to Hong Kong, to Venezuela. Despite its frequent use, various international treaties have ruled the use of tear gas illegal in wartime. Couldn’t comment directly to your other one so here’s this. There is the thing called the 1st amendment in which I agree with. To [{!!”PEACEFULLY”)!!}] protest and gather against what someone else is saying. That’s fine. But not killing an ex chief of police and live streaming it to the public on fb who was BLACK btw. Wow totally not adding to statistics that you say are almost 0%. (Talking about the black killing black ones) Not killing the innocents in those fires. Not destroying the stores that provided for you with equal exchange. Not jumping on cars and beating it while the people are still inside of it. Not the theft of items. Not to threaten families who support the very people that work their asses off to protect your day to day lives. Not throwing stones at the people who are sent there to stop you from throwing stones at others. RN they are there to stop the violence, the theft, the murders, the damage. And before you fucken say anything about them killing Floyd, those assholes are getting what coming to them. But not by your hand, by the hands of the law. You are not the law, you do not know what it means to keep the peace, you do not know what sacrifices have to be made to have peace, you do not know what it means to lose your family over something you can’t say to them. You don’t know what it means to not be able to come home only to turn back around because some asshole is beating his wife, you do not know the lives we take in order for you to have peace at mind and protest against us. You do not know what it means to protect something that’s trying to stop you, to hurt you, to kill you. You do not know what it means to always having to look over your shoulder because a little shit got caught smokin a dumbifier (aka weed) and said “you gonna get what’s yours man”. You do not know what it means to hold back any talk of go die, go kill yourself, go to hell, go away. This is the reality of the situation. This is only a fraction of what we go through. This is only a portion that we sacrifice in order for you to peacefully protest against us. We are here to keep the peace, not to start the chaos. So as long as you protest peacefully, and don’t try to kill anyone or hurt anyone or break anything or steal anything. We won’t fuck with you. You stay over there and we’ll stay over here. Thank you have a nice day


No thank you. No justice no peace. You can keep being disturbed or have your life inconvenienced for as long as it takes to make the all police as a whole reformed or reorganized or completely disbanded and built anew. I think the role needs to require a 4 year bachelors degree in criminal justice, be paid more and come with the expectation that if someone dies in your custody you are criminally liable in much the same way doctors are for malpractice. And with that I think the job should be much better paid to attract a higher class of person to the role. I have never seen an officer improve a situation by his presence in an altercation of any kind, because they are piss poorly trained in any kind of deescalation. All cops are bad because there isn’t a few bad apples. There are many rotten apples and then every non spoiled apple jumps in lock step to defend them if accountability even starts to come near. That’s why the saying is “one bad apple spoils the bunch”, because it has impact. It ensures every other apple lowers itself to that level slowly but surely. And the bunch is indeed spoiled. These protestors are nearly 100% peaceful until they are escalated by the police who, per their constitutional rights should only be present to defend their right to protest. It’s observable in video after video. 57 of the riot patrol officers in Buffalo NY resigned after their partners were put on disciplinary leave after pushing that 75 year old man down and cracking his skull open. Not because they were mad that this was such a lenient sentence, but because they were protesting the officers being disciplined at all. So I don’t much care for your desire for anyone to “stay over there” because if you’re against the movement to demand police accountability then you’re on the wrong side of history.


Gotta get them clout pointssss. Cool art tho


Yes, the week was really just depressing and gloomy, but we hope that the people of America will cope with this problem.


How’d we jump from tear gas to all cops are bad to 1st amendment to inconvenience? If you think you should increase the pay and have them go through school so they can be better, then why do you say fuck the police and partition to decrease the cops budget? I agree pay should be more, they should have an understanding of the situation and granted the criminal justice degree helps but isn’t all to good in reality. Law enforcement is a experience base job where learning in the field is better then a degree. It’s better because of the unpredictable events that’ll happen. That why the term “going by the book” wouldn’t apply best in this situation. Also school is expensive, not everyone can afford the schooling. If we get the government to pay for it it still wouldn’t help to much but worsen the new recruits because it’s an experience based job. Sending them to the Academy is already enough of a pain because they’ve got the mind set of the book. There so focused on it they don’t see much of anything else until they learn more on the job. Now let’s say we do get them through 4 years for a degree of understanding what’s in front of you plus the additional 6 months of training at the academy they would be so book savvy they probably wouldn’t understand anything in front of them. (When i say this I mean in mass not individually) We could pair them up with people of experience, oh wait can’t do that because all of them that have the training, experience, street understanding, and knowledge of anything else can’t teach them anything because they are all “bad apples”. Do you want the bad apples to show the new apples what to do in a non book situation? No? Then who will train them? Every person eligible to train them is a rotten apple in your POV therefore corrupting the new apple and wasting 30,000 of tax payers dollars (considering if we have the government pay for it) which could have been put else where instead of wasting it on the soon to be corrupt apple. Even if you pick representatives to train them. They are then corrupt themselves because “one bad apple spoils the bunch” and apples=police therefore the representatives elected to train them are then considered a police officer. Ok now here’s where I’m confused. It honestly looks like you skipped over the bit about protesters killing innocents and a black person killed by protesters and streamed it on Facebook (fb=Facebook). Your telling me the 100% peaceful protesters didn’t kill those people, destroy those business, attack, rob, and hurt there own people? Something doesn’t add up here... why skip over that part of my previous message? If you don’t know anything about it then state it, it you don’t want to talk about it then state it. But you just completely jumped over that, why? Let me know you how it’s done when you don’t know something during a debate. Realistic example: I know of the officers resigning but not the number and the reason why. I also don’t know the details of that event from both sides so I’m not going to comment on it. :end of realistic example See that’s how you should skip content, instead you completely jumped over it not acknowledging the fact that I said it just so you could get your self contradicted statement said. Oh something I did forget to say is that if you don’t want to train them through experienced personnel and completely start anew then what will you do for the 4 and a half year wait time? Who would then keep the peace? Stop people from killing others, attacking people, stealing, shooting up a school, shooting up a church, a terrorist attack killing thousands of people in a matter of seconds. So your telling me you want to wait for 4 and a half years for new recruits that have to much book smarts to keep them alive for a day in a chaotic world where there is no one keeping the peace? “What about the people already studying criminal justice?” Nope can’t use them because they have the corrupted mind set of the corrupted apples. But wait what about the ones we do out through 4 year and a half years and training and schooling? “What about them?” Well they grew up In the same time era as the corrupted apples so therefore they are also corrupted apples!! “Omg what should we do?” Don’t worry we can just raise some more but we’d have to wait 18 years for them to grow up in a safe uncorrupted environment, then after that wait an additional 4 and a half years and waste 30k for them to trained. But wait, didn’t you say “one bad apple spoils the bunch”? And since apples=police and the remade field is still considered policing it therefore corrupts them just by having the job of policing. Congratulations you just wasted 22 and a half years of the entire country’s time and also $30k. Moving down to the “so I don’t much care for your desire for anyone to “stay over there””. I’m not against nor have I said anything about being against cops not being held accountable. Please quote me on which part I said that. Also there is no wrong side of history, Hence freedom of speech. It allows you to speak your mind from all points of view with 0 consequences. Remember when I started talking about the 1st amendment? Yeah that’s what it means. Thank you again for commenting, have a nice day