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Full video minus credits or hidden frame. Enjoy! 

Thank you for your love and support through all of this. This thing took a year to make, I started it back in April 2019.

I'm really proud of this, I think it looks good and while I'm not studio quality by any means, I feel a little more confident in my animation abilities. 

I know like, 90% of my YouTube audience is going to HATE this for not being an hour long and a re-hash of the main game's events, but I'm more confident in shorter form videos I can release more consistently, and that's something I really want to push more on my channel. 

TL:DR I hope you like the cartoon and the more original story I'm trying to set up with it.


(+18) PATREON_Rubyer IV Part 1 (Pokemon Parody)

PATRONS ONLY! Patreon Release (3/4/20) Please don't rip or share this with anyone. This is for YOU guys only. Pokémon belongs to Nintendo and The Pokémon Company International. I do not claim ownership of the Pokémon intellectual property. This is a fan-animated parody. Please support the official merchandise.





I can’t fucking wait woooooooooooo


Yeah let's take down the racist


Oh boy oh snap oh my gravy I love it


That was worth the wait, nice one Matt!


Oh yeah I love this story you're setting up here!


Amazing work as always MB!

Jay_is_way (TURN UP)

You’ll never take down team mystic!!!!! YAAAAAARRRRGH


I thint that the audience is going to like it, beacouse It's good to see animation being more creative (not just based on game events) and the quality is so good! (I'm really sorry for grammar mistakes I'm getting nervous when I write on-line)


This format is just fine for me, this was fantastic! I can't wait to see more


This is awesome! Can't wait for more installments!


Mi boi. Love your work and your animations. You dont have to make hr long animations cause i understand, how much work and time u got draw over and over again and again and finding people to voice act and do things in your personal life. Just happy to see it out and thanks for the good entertainment. Just rememeber to stay happy and dont burn yourself out with your work. XD


I love it

Pepe Mora

I nutted 16 times every time Cletus said a word


I’m very conflicted, on one hand I thought the video was hilarious and the animation was beautiful. It’s very humbling that even the most talented animator on YouTube can feel insecure about his own work. I am kinda sad though that I won’t get to see our main character go though the story of the game because I was attached to his character and wanted to see him complete his journey and get all the gym badges. It subverted my expectations in that sense, but that’s not always a bad thing. It’s been three years and even though I wish you would’ve started work on it earlier I can understand why it’s taken so long. I hope things really pick up for you after this and you can spend more time doing what you love.


It was definitely worth the wait


THIS IS AMAZING!! Well worth the wait!


This was definitely worth the wait. I can’t wait to see more!


Short, but every little dense frame of background gags and goofs shows off how sweet this shit is. Proud of being a patron and to be witnessing this.


Have you already started part 2?


Take your time man,this is great! No one will hate it,don’t worry!


Whatever helps you be more comfortable with your content along with whatever gets your content out sooner is cool with me. Excellent work <3


It's definitely got a different feel than other parts of the series but I really did enjoy this one just as much. It's really interesting to see that you're giving this a more story related arc.

Patrick Ruff

I love every part of this, I love that you are makeing this yours. Keep up the good work my friend, and I will keep supporting you


Damn, rest in peace Charizard. Great video man, thanks a lot for bringing such awesome content.


Looks fantastic so far! My only criticism is that it’s kinda confusing. Though I’m pretty sure later on in the series you’re probably going to explain what happened between 3 and 4 so it’s all good!


thanks for the feedback! I plan to tie in story elements from the first 3 episodes into this one. I've been debating on whether or not to tackle that as it's own episode or do sepia-toned flashback sequences lol