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The final 4 minute cartoon will be available for everyone to view on WEDNESDAY! I'm hoping to have the Credits, T-Shirt design, and Hidden Lewd(s) finished and in the video by then but I might need an extra day to get it all finalized, so they might not be seen til the Friday YouTube/Newgrounds release. 

The credits are gonna take a while because I gotta put everyone's names in our Patreon backer section- and since there are way more of you guys since My Super Relatable Video its gonna take me a bit lol (pretty great problem to have though, ngl)

Thank you for all your continued love and support through this whole thing! 

More to come! 




Looking forward to seeing it all!


i cant fucking wait


your toons are sweet glad that it's coming out


You're amazing Matt I love you no homo


Can’t wait

Lord Vaust

Hey, the more patrons, the more money you’re getting my dude. That sounds like the best problem to have if you ask me.

Geo V.

Take your time, don't push yourself.


Seriously this took a sudden turn for the awesome


Take as much time as you need dude. Its your time and energy you're using. We all look forward to it though!


There is nothing I love more, then trying to find the Lewds in your video.


This is very cool