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This one wasn't just a one-off I had some notes laying around for my "Vegeta-Prince Vampire" character, that I'm also gearing up to pitch.


Our deadline is Mid January to have a fully fleshed out idea together,

I'm pulling up ideas and characters I only have marginal notes on that my friends can help me flesh out better and provide voices for. 

One tidbit my friend also shared with me is that we have to go in there PREPARED to kiss major ass, and be complete 'Yes Men' in the meeting. 

We're all nobodies, and one of the quickest ways to get canned from the getgo is coming in there trying to flex our egos and ideas super hard (which as you all know, I struggle horrendously with and will really have to work on lol) 

We need to present our pitch as something fully fledged but also open to whatever changes their studio might want to do - and thats IF they even like our shit to begin with. 



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