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Big storm coming to YouTube starting Jan 1 2020, 

The FTC is coming in to do what some people are anticipating as a witch hunt on content creators they personally think are in violation of COPPA (basically if they think you're trying to target children with your videos so you can profit off the ad revenue with unsafe, NSFW content)

I feel like its been pretty obvious that 99% of my stuff is blatantly advertised as raunchy, crude parodies of videogames - and I've already marked my channel as "Not Suitable for Children" on YouTube's creator dashboard, so I thought I was going to be pretty safe.

But after doing some more research I found out that this sweep will go beyond YouTube and is being administered by third parties at the FTC who will disregard YouTube protocol and go after content creators that they personally feel are in violation of COPPA.

This Chadtronic video thats been getting shared around breaks it down here -> https://youtu.be/0veLrwd9CK4 

I'm taking the necessary protocols of leaving comments to the FTC to try and update their policies more carefully but it seems pretty inevitable that this is all going to have some major repercussions for my, and my many others' channels. 

Too early to predict anything concrete right now, but I need to prepare for the worse.

Your support on this page has virtually been the only thing keeping me going these past two years on the content front - and no matter what I'll still keep making content for you.

(here on Patreon anyway!) 




Hopefully the Petition does something about this as I don't want anything bad happening to animators like you, Stay safe Matt.


Yeah better to be safe on this one, it's ridculous how large the fines are for this situation. All the best Matt (do what you gotta do)!


Whatever happens, we will back you 100%


Be safe, bro


That's so stupid. Hopefully nothing bad happens to your channel.


Make a video about it and shove it where a channel intro would go for good measure. I think you're at risk personally because Pokemon is targeted towards people under 18 and your content is, like you said, raunchy comedy. They may not see it the way you do and they are on the warpath. I think the best thing you can do is go to them about it and say, "Hey my stuff is marked as 18+ don't strike me down." I've heard of people making deals to take a couple videos down in exchange for not having their channels terminated but that's just a rumor. Godspeed Matty, I'll be here regardless of whether or not your channel gets taken down.