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Sorry this is so late! Here's the second scene WIP! 

(TL:DR EXCUSES: On top of picking up a few extra shifts at my part time, unpacking took a little longer than expected since my roomie still had his old desk in my room, we needed to move it to his room before I could set up my workspace, which we couldn't do til he finished making space in his room for it. ((Not blaming him btw! This is totally my fault, I should've had this done a week ago)) 

All in all this whole Genwunner/Courtney intro sequence will be three scenes long, so I got one more to do after this! 

I don't plan on the rest of the cartoon being this long paced, but I really wanted to run my Genwunner joke from the Golder series into the ground with this. 

Hopefully people still find it funny. 


Rubyer4_2 WIP

no BG's yet either for this one.. one more scene to go and then the INTRO is complete. As always I definitely bit off more than I can chew with this one.. These group shots make me want to brain myself...



"Hopefully people still find it funny" *Pidgeot flying with a Confederate flag first frame* How are you this good at making me laugh not even a second in a preview???


Maybe it's just because it's so early for me, but I legitimately got chills at her speech. She is bae, but also scary.


I’ve got chills as well, pretty dramatic and fun at the same time. Great job matty!


The Budew!!


i'd work for her. i like the jokes so far.


I’m happy that we got to see our waifu, Courtney.


Amazing, can’t wait for release!

Patrick Ruff

Love the tension, love the voice acting, love the series, this is looking up to be amazing as they all are


this is great


They all have a Charizard lol I love it.


aaawww im so hype. cant wait for the full vid


Dat ass