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Rough Sketch version (this is going to be a part of my new Burrito Boy cartoon) 

Just to clarify- I genuinely love the storytime format. But just have never clicked with any of the channels enough to actually relate to them or be entertained by them enough to finish any of the videos.

So this is going to come across as SUPER ignorant but hopefully not venomous because I'm only trying to poke fun at the genre here... in the most ass way possible. 


Relatable Vid_PV2 (Storytime Animation WIP)

A rough cut of my very first attempt at a bonafide, extremely genuine storytime animation about my super quirky relatable life.



Probably the most relatable video I have seen in my whole life.

Patrick Ruff

Hey I was a kid once, and I go to college! This is so relatable!

Syrus Coy

I love it


boners just boners