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The OFFICIAL, finished 3rd part to the Lucina Says series! And its not even longer than the first 2! 

Gonna let this sit here on Unlisted for a while, and check to see if there's anything that needs to be added/removed.. So please let me know how you like it! 

This video was an all around mess to produce, namely because my schedule here has been so hectic and my life pretty much revolves around working to keep a roof over my head - but I'm glad this was able to get finished! Thank you for all your continued support! 

I really lucked out when Smash suddenly became super relevant again after June - and it really gave me the confidence to finish it. (If they announce anything new within the week I'm screwed lol) 

I know I need to work on my output, and I'll try to get new video content out to you faster. 


Lucina Drinks A LOT

Ya wife's back at it again! Also I got new Shirts: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/3185148-lucina-says-3-waif4life?store_id=58430 This is an animated parody by me, @mattyburrito ! I don't upload videos often because I am currently working 2 jobs, and barely making my rent every month in Los Angeles, but if ya like what I make and want to follow more of it, please look me up on Insta, twitter, and tumblr! I have a Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/mattyburrito if you would like to pledge to me and help me gain enough online support so I can take more time off work and focus on making fun new content for you to see!



It was amazing. I loved it


👌 as great as the last 2


Definitely worth the wait


awesome as always lol


It was great! I liked the bunny lucina dance along with the choice in music


It’s cool mang


This is the quality content I subbed and became a patron for


I love everything you do buddy ! Hope to see NSFW bunny lucina in the future.


i still love the animation and you even though you spelt my name wrong lol


We need a dancing lucina gif pls.


Love the video, great work matty


God I love Lucina <3


Saw 2 patreon secrets, you posted the second one (end of video) don't know where I can find the first one ( 0:33 or 0:34 )


oh did I not post up the one in the middle? they're all gonna get posted here eventually! hang tight when I get back home next week I'll put em up


This was great to watch! Excellent work.


Such a great video. Always a good day when we get some mattyburrito!