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(Just a productivity update: Lucina's well under way, just coloring it and once that's finished I'll publish a rough-cut for Patreon! 

Once thats finished I'm thinking of adding one last quick thing to the beginning before making it public on my channel! After that- Its Baby Dead time! Pokemon is still a ways off because I need to record things with a couple people first and am debating some recasts to the new material I have)

So this happened... Just this past week actually! 

I had been seeing the sweetest girl, I ended up falling for her a little more than I anticipated and when the moment of truth came and I was so prepared to ask her to be my girlfriend... She hit me with the ol' one-two-BAIL before we even went out on the date.

All in all, this wasn't anything I wasn't prepared for...

I'd noticed she was distancing herself and I tried giving her the space she needed... I don't know, I thought that the obvious thing to do was to be MORE desperate for attention, but I seriously wanted to play it cool- 'cause I didn't want to lose her. 

But that ended up happening anyway... 

Lesson learned, you ain't special til there's a ring on it. You're not someone's main squeeze, you're never the only person they're seeing, fuckin, or even having feelings for. 

There's ALWAYS going to be someone better, and whether they actually ARE or not, people are going to do what they're going to do and love who they're going to love anyway. And if you think you can change their mind, you're an idiot. 

I'm that idiot- I insisted we go on the date anyway, jokingly saying "well I already got dressed so why not?" and she went with it... And it ended up just a whole 2 hours of apologizing and telling me how nice I am and that if it weren't for this other PERFECT gentleman, it would for sure have been me. 

All lovely things to hear. 

Its important to note I don't at all blame this girl in the slightest - she's a very kind, compassionate, and honest lady. Has terrible timing sure, but this definitely isn't on her. I'm the one who selfishly anticipated that we could have been a thing- so its only fair. 

So all in all, this was a great learning experience. I'll never forget her- she hoped we could still be friends but my burnt asshole just isn't prepped up for that kind of pain... 




I feel ya man, just keep hoing forward nonstop


We've all been there man, but you've shown more maturity about it than most guys I know, lol. Still, it sucks and I hope things get better. Get some ice cream or something and give yourself a good "me, myself, and my single ass" day.


Damn. Sorry to hear that. But don't worry, you'll be better off without her. c:


I’m glad you learned something cuz in the end that’s what relationships are all about. Take care of yourself and take a break if you need to. You bring joy to people and I hope you remember that every god damn day. But more importantly I hope you bring yourself joy as well. If making art like this makes it easier then so be it. I just want you to know that you deserve better and you WILL get better. Don’t change yourself for a woman. Find a woman who will accept you for who you are because you deserve it. Fuck the friends bullshit. She either chooses you or she loses you. 5 bucks says she’ll be texting you back soon.


i believe in ya m8


I think this was more important than having that relationship at all. You can do it, man!


Sorry to hear that man. Can't say anything thing more or different to what's already been said here, but that point about how much joy you bring to others, that's something I wanna expand on. I've only been a Patreon supporter for like 2 months, but I've loved all your videos for a few years now. Sometimes relationship stuff can have a big effect on your self esteem, and your work is very personal to you so it can get intermingled and stuff. You might be second best for her, but your first best for me and us ;) keep doing what you do and take your time.


My condolences. I've been there and it seems like you honestly handled it better than I every would have. Props to you on being a great person and learning from your experiences. Also thank you for having an amazing outlet that you can share with others! You're the best Matty!


Everyones been there at some point. Its cool seeing people handle it as honest and mature as this so good on you. keep being awesome


Matty my friend, you have been fucking swindled. I feel your pain man, this shit happens to me like 95% of the time I catch the feels. Don’t let it get you down too much, maybe losing this girl means you’ll get a big tiddy goth gf in the future. I don’t know, but you have ton of fans supporting you, and just remember that you still have 320,000 people who’ve got your back. Love you bud.


Hurts man, gonna have a drink for you tonight. Cheers brother


Sorry to hear that man but sometimes its best to not listen to ourselves, selfishness gets the best of us, its a part of being human


Ah i feel that shit, but keep searching my dude im sure you'll get there


better to have loved than not at all.


It was because you keep your wallet in your back pocket Who does that?


That hurts bro and I understand your feel, just take it and move on trust me you will find the one. I'm gonna have a glass of whiskey for you tonight brother lol

Syrus Coy

Donate to Matt so he can look like a man, not a kid


That's a bummer though man. Hope you get through it. I'm really glad it didn't work out with my past girlfriends though. It's the reason why I met my now wife who I think is honestly better than anyone else. She is more understanding and accepting of me while simultaneously encouraging me to become better. It's been awesome, and I don't think I would have achieved the same career success or happiness with those other girls.


Oh my god, YES, I've been there. Many times, actually. It doesn't stop me from trying, but it's ass always landing back at the starting point. Heard those fabled words, "there's someone else I've developed feelings for" many times. When out in public, there are couples everywhere, look in a passing car, a couple going somewhere. It's everywhere and they make it look so effortless "Oh, one thing led to another, yadda yadda yadda". Must have missed that memo somewhere down the road. But hey, you're putting yourself out there Matty. That's more than what I can say about most of my friends, so, good on you.