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Each month, we’ll revisit a (Patron-voted) old series of choice to make a brand new sequel for it. This month it’s time to get green with the Forest Map Collection!

Here’s the Lumber Mill.

When the village kids are old enough to push a broom, they sweep sawdust and pick up scraps of wood to throw down to Mr. Base—a rugged, bearded man with arms like logs—who was the foreman of the place.
Younger teens have harder duties, and are responsible for transport. Logs come to the sawmill on logging carts. When the logs would accidentally roll off the carts and hit the ground, the earth would shake. Once the carts arrive at the lumbermill, the wood has to be rolled into the milling area for production.
Production was left to any aged over 14. Lots of sweat is put into chopping up the logs into tinier pieces, so they could be taken home by the villagers and used to heat their homes and start fires. Occasionally one would lose a thumb, or heck, even a hand! No one said it was easy, but it’s an honest job.

~ We’re hoping you enjoy these maps as much as we like making them. Stay tuned for part another forest map later this month!



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