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Hi all! We’re incredibly excited to share that we’ve been getting creative on a new project that would allow our battlemaps to truly go to the next level with fully immersive boss fights! Pre-balanced, ready to roll, put it on the table and play.

We’ve teamed up with the brains (and brawn) behind Heliana’s Guide To Monster Hunting to create a complete battle package, which we aim to launch on Kickstarter late August.

Each battle is anything but standard, featuring unique monster miniatures and mechanics that have adventurers go through dynamic combat. Each monster adapts and changes based on the circumstances, and has their custom battlemap evolve through the encounter with destruction and turmoil. All ready for play and able to fit into any adventure in need of bloodshed.

The maps you know and love will be included, but with a twist.

We need your feedback!

It’s in its early stages still and we’re aiming for late August. It is now that we could really use your help in further establishing art for the upcoming Kickstarter campaign. It’s our goal to have something unique and truly different than what’s already been done. You’ve been with us for the ride and we really appreciate your patronage. It is with that reason that we would love to hear your opinion about one of our upcoming creatures: The Vampire (name pending).

The androgynous vampire is beautiful, charming, and elusive. During battle, once certain conditions are met, the ugly truth comes out. A horrendous abomination is the true face of our pretty vampire! Both forms will include mini, art, lore, mechanics, trigger conditions, the whole shazam.

Looking at these two designs, which one do you think fits the bill better for the transformed variant that we’re looking for? Were it up to you, which one would you rather have as a mini and why? Cast your vote here.

Higher resolution is attached to this post.

In the months ahead, we would love to keep spilling secrets with you regarding the Kickstarter and all the things we have planned for it. And even more, we want you to be part of that process. We’ve opened up a Discord channel that discusses anything Eightfold Paper. We’ll be active there too! It’s new so it’s sadly empty. :(

Happy adventuring, Alan & Liam.




Hello! I think the Discord channel invitation has expired.


Hello! I updated the link. Shouldn't expire anymore. :)