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Our Magic Item Cards are objects you can find in our world, usually accompanying the series we tackle that month. This might help you visualize the world and its creations better: add items for effects on your players, simply add them to your treasure box for flavor or use them as a quest item.

Without further ado, this month's exclusive Item Cards for all "The First Scouts", "First Class Ranger", "Undaunted Pioneer", “Grand Archivist” and “Master Chronicler” supporters, here to accompany you and your companions on your epic tales:


€2+ Rewards

[The First Scouts] [First Class Ranger] [Undaunted Pioneer] & [Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • Tonic for the Unmoving
Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Requires No Attunement
“In the muddy swamps of the east, a basilisk ran rampant for many years. Villages had long lost their luster; one after the other falling prey to the creature’s vile stonifications. Laughter and peace were exchanged for a timeless, mossy stone cold. The surviving surrounding villages gathered their best hunters, equipped with bows and spears, to finally end this catastrophe. It is said the battle took two entire nights and cost the lives of many fathers. However, they returned triumphant with its stomach in hand. The elders of the villages knew from practices recorded on ancient stone slabs that the stomach fluids could be turned into an oil that reverts petrification. It was then that the timeless, mossy stone was exchanged for laughter and peace.”
This magic tonic has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
You can use an action to expend 1 charge to pour the tonic onto a petrified creature within 5 feet. The tonic will enter the body through cracks, and more cracks will quickly follow on the stone until it completely peels off, freeing the creature from petrification.
  • Pendant of the Chosen
Wondrous Item | Rare | Requires Attunement
“An ancient tribe fought against a looming, slithering monster. This pendant was given only to the worthy—a chosen warrior—as they tirelessly fought against a terrible danger. The tribe has since gone extinct, but the powers within their relic necklace remain.”
This magic flask has 2 charges and regains its expended charges when you take a Short Rest to fill the flask with water. The flask will magically imbue the water with anti-poison properties.
You can use an action to expend 1 charge and give a droplet to a willing creature within 5 feet to drink. If it is Poisoned, you neutralize the poison. If more than one poison afflicts the target, you neutralize one poison that you know is present, or you neutralize one at random. For 1 day, the target has advantage on Saving Throws against being Poisoned, and it has Resistance to poison damage.
  • One-Eyed Dagger
Weapon (Dagger) | Very Rare | Requires Attunement
“One cannot be poisoned while petrified, but what if you were poisoned first? The One-Eyed Dagger is created from materials gathered from pieces of a slain basilisk, and still retains some of its powerful properties. The dagger is known to have mercilessly slain enemies who were incapable of escaping its deathloop.”
This magical weapon deals poison damage to any target it hits. In addition, the hit creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw or take an extra 1d6 poison damage and become poisoned. Each of its turns, the poisoned creature must make a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw to rid the poison, or take 1d6 poison damage.
In addition, when the dagger hits an already poisoned target, the dagger's eye opens and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw to resist being turned to stone (petrified) until the user's next turn.

€5+ Rewards

[Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • Blessing of the Wooden Doll
Wondrous Item | Legendary | Requires Attunement
“It is said that an unknown deity blessed this wooden doll, which was shaped to its resemblance, as a reward for an ancient civilization's undying devotion to its sacred cause.”
This blessed wooden doll has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
You can use an action to expend 1 charge and cast *Blessing of the Wooden Doll on a willing creature within 30 feet. If a targeted creature is already blessed by the wooden doll, the existing blessing is instead replaced with the new one.
Blessing of the Wooden Doll: There’s an unknown feeling of support that dwells up from within, and for 1 hour you are given a temporary blessing at the whims of the deity.
Roll a d3 to determine the blessing given. On a 1, you are given the Blessing of Health and your constitution score increases by 2. On a 2, you are given the Blessing of Protection and you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws. On a 3, you are given the Blessing of Magic Resistance and you have advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects.


  • Formats: JPG (Print ready)
  • Sizes: A6, Postcard (4x6”)
  • Variations: With text, Without category, Without text, 5e Mechanics, Transparent

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