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Our Magic Item Cards are objects you can find in our world, usually accompanying the series we tackle that month. This might help you visualize the world and its creations better: add items for effects on your players, simply add them to your treasure box for flavor or use them as a quest item.

Without further ado, this month's exclusive Item Cards for all "The First Scouts", "First Class Ranger", "Undaunted Pioneer", “Grand Archivist” and “Master Chronicler” supporters, here to accompany you and your companions on your epic tales:


$2+ Rewards

[The First Scouts] [First Class Ranger] [Undaunted Pioneer] & [Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • Potion of Smalls
Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Requires No Attunement
“The son of an alchemist was often bullied by the other villagers for being weird and having big, stinky feet. The alchemist, an oddball himself, was at a loss and tried to find a way to console his child. But no matter his care, the incessant bullying did not wane. One night, an eureka moment led to the combination of toenails, snails, and a bunch of strange herbs, which in turn successfully created a bright, violet potion with a clear substance: the Potion of Smalls. Supposedly, his son just had to rub the potion on his feet once a day before school, and his feet would shrink in size. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just his feet that shrunk.”
You can use an action to drink this potion. Once drunk, your size becomes 1/8th of its original size in all dimensions, and your weight is reduced to 1/32th.
This reduction decreases its size by two categories - from Medium to Tiny, for example. Until the potion ends, the target also has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength Saving Throws. The target's Weapons also shrink to match its new size. While these Weapons are reduced, the target's attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage (this can't reduce the damage below 1. The effect lasts for 3 hours, after which you’ll return to normal.
  • Ticking Bomb
Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Requires No Attunement
“The Mad Hatter has two obsessions in life: hats and the dangers of explosives. He loved tinkering away, creating these awful gadgets that would oftentimes blow up in his face, reducing many of his beloved hats to crisps. His latest invention, the Ticking Bomb, is a revised bomb that ticks away at time until it hits zero and leaves a small crater in its wake.”
The timer of the bomb can be set in increments of 6 seconds; starting at 6 seconds and up to 1 min. As an action, a character can throw the bomb at a point up to 60 feet away. Once the timer reaches zero, each creature within 10 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage.
Depending on its size, a creature can be blown away by winds of high velocity. Any Medium or smaller creature hit by the explosion must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 1d4 x 5 feet feet away from the center of the explosion.
  • Wand of Spirit
Weapon (Quarterstaff) | Rare | Requires Attunement
“The spirit of a proud and playful cat is infused with the Wand of Spirits; and although not giving it any sort of fighting power, gives it just that right amount of sass.”
This weapon has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the staff, you can use an action to *Conjure Magical Cat in an unoccupied space within 40 feet of you.
Magical Cat: It is friendly to you and your companions, and is attached to the staff by a magical thread, allowing it to move freely within 40 feet range.
Upon conjuring, roll a 8d10 + 8 to determine its Hit Points. The magical cat is unable to attack and all its attributes, except Hit Points, are copied from you. It obeys your verbal commands given that they are within its capabilities. It takes no action without command.
Once during your turn, you can have the cat Taunt any creature within 30 feet range of it. Taunted creatures must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be taunted by the Magical Cat for 1 turn. Taunted creatures are aggravated by the magical cat and focus all their attacks on it.
The magical cat disappears when you or the cat goes outside of range, its Hit Points drop to 0, when your Hit Points drop to 0, or after 1 hour has passed.

$5+ Rewards

[Grand Archivist] [Master Chronicler]

  • Sword of Suits
Weapon (Greatsword) | Legendary | Requires Attunement
“An enchantress known to have had many faces; as she herself picked who she wanted to be that day. After death, her spirit was captured and fused into this magic weapon. Even in death her form is undecided.”
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the user of this weapon can change *Sword Form once a day. There can only be a single sword form active at one time.
Sword Form:
Clubs ♣: The weapon is embedded with clubs and engulfed by a frosty aura. Each strike inflicts an extra 1d12 cold damage, and reduces the creature’s speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Diamonds ♦: The weapon is embedded with diamonds and engulfed in flames. Each strike inflicts an extra 3d6 fire damage.
Spades ♠: The weapon is embedded with spades and engulfed by a lightning current. Each strike inflicts an extra 1d6 lightning damage, if this roll’s result is 6, the lightning is fierce enough to strike and paralyze the creature until the start of your next turn.
Hearts ♥: The weapon is embedded with hearts and veiled by a lush red aura. Each strike inflicts an extra 2d6 necrotic damage, provided that the target isn’t a Construct or an Undead. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to the extra damage dealt.


  • Formats: JPG (Print ready)
  • Sizes: A6, Postcard (4x6”)
  • Variations: With text, Without category, Without text, Transparent

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