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Every month we hold a poll to decide from the top three what map series to create next. This month’s series is an exception since we ourselves picked a theme to start off the new year. Be ready to explore a samurai-spirited series!

It’s a special place where the journey for many fighters starts and ends!

We held a poll last month after having reached our goal. The goal reward has us make new variations for the winner. The results are out and ‘The Forgotten Temple of Nine Eyes’ will get a new variation!

Next month we’ll have another three-part map series! Be sure to let us know what would be cool to explore next. We could also use your ideas for what Item Cards would fit this month’s theme.

  • What three-part map series would you like to see next month?
    Let us know!
  • What Item Cards do you think would fit this month’s theme?
    Let us know!

If you haven’t already, but really want to support us on other platforms to increase our reach, be sure to check out our subreddit r/EightfoldPaper.

Happy adventuring,

Alan & Liam.



Id love to see a multi-tiered city market in a floating city (big balconies, and rooftop stores in addition to the ground lvl stuff) or an ancient ruin with a vaguely ‘alien’ or otherworldly/mysterious feel. Those are always fun


I don't know if you like doing specific DnD maps but It would be amazing to see Fort Knucklebone from DIV I've seen plenty of maps for the campaign but not this location and I think it's a pretty cool place!Scrapyard in the desert of Avernus.