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Hey guys, my CPU fan and a few of my case fans all died a few days ago. (And hopefully no damage came to my CPU) I ordered replacements and the case fans aren't compatible with my mobo (doh) so I have to wait for another set to get here. OTL

Should be up and running again by Friday evening. Really sorry for no content in the meantime. x.x I'll have to really crunch work when my PC is back up again and I will probably need to postpone my commission opening until early March. 🙏 I appreciate you guys for understanding. 



Take all the time ya need! Not like it's under your control them fans died out! <3


*Big hugs!* It's alright Sats, I hope this next set works out for you! Computer issues are the worst!


Got your back! No worries. Enjoy the time off and reconnect.


take the time to try relax! we dont mind when you get started again <3 but i do hope it arrives soon so you dont stress about it further!