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Hoping to kick this year off with a good art month. Lots of commissions in queue that I'm super excited to work on and share with you! And a potential comic coming between myself and Helixel, that y'all got a taste of yesterday. (Depending on my stamina XD)

I got my website up and running with links to Commission info, prices, TOS, and queue. I plan on getting an information hub running with all the info on my Werubi as well. ^^


I know not everyone is happy with my human/non furry content 😥 but it's something I truly enjoy doing, and sometimes us creatives need to change things up. It's not that I'm doing less furry stuff - it's more of me doing extra stuff in my free time and sharing it with y'all. I like having the skill of being able to draw a very wide variety of things, and in the end I gotta keep doing what makes me happy so I can continue to enjoy pumping out sweet art!

Poll Votes

I am enabling multiple votes again on polls. Disciples ($9) and up have multiple voting power. You can vote multiple times for different characters, or use your votes on a single option! I will be manually tallying them up at the closing of each poll.

Archmage Spots!

Yes! They are opening again TODAY. I will do an @everyone ping on Discord as usual, as well as post on my Twitter when a spot appears. There will be 3-4 for this years first quarter.


I wanted to ask, what would y'all think of me opening my Discord to the public (or even just some friends of your friends)? Do you prefer the more intimate chats like we have now or letting in some more people (potentially new Patrons/boosters)? This was more of a fleeting thought that came to me today. XD

Aside from all of this, I love and cherish all of you, even if you're just following my work here on Patreon. I appreciate you looking and checking my stuff out, and to everyone who has supported me, THANK YOU. <3


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