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A lot of people are asking for more Archmage and Succubus tier openings but I just can't add that more of a workload right now on top of commissions going. 

What I'd like to do is give someone from my Magician ($20) tier a chance at an Archmage sketch. Someone different would be picked each month, not sure exactly how yet. (By random generator, or something.) And never the same person twice in a row.

I'm very curious what you guys think on this?

Just a note on Archmage sketches.
- They are artistic freedom, pinup style sketches.
- I'm okay with slight pose suggestions (like asking for a booty view, or a theme)
- Some sort of reference is NEEDED. I won't work from text descriptions.
- It doesn't have to be your character, it can be a friends OC or a Pokemon or something. Though I do require permission if the character is someone else's OC.



I’d upgrade to that tier if you started doing that!


I think this is a good idea honestly as long as you think you can handle it. Do not overload yourself just to please people who didnt get a slot. Last thing you wanna do is burn out. Yeah its just one more sketch a month but you're already doing 9 sketches, 3 full colors, two pinups a month plus all your commissions. I'm afraid youll do this and then people will be like "You should do a roulette for Archmages to get a Succubus style piece!" Or even Just a roulette for everyone to have a chance at a succubus piece. Because I can see people getting aggrivated that only the $20 tier gets this chance as it is. People are selfish and you could always do "more". Just be careful and do what you can handle. ♥♥


Oh definitely. I've been giving it a lot of thought and figured this would be the fairest way to still give more people a chance and not overload myself. And I plan on not reopening any more Archmage spots if people drop out so I can get the number a bit lower. It's all with trial and error and I think the majority of my patrons are SO understanding. <3


I agree!! We've talked a lot about stuff and I know you've thought this over for ages 😍😍. I just dont want you burdening yourself!


I'm not trying to assume anything, and I haven't been a patreon for very long so I don't know a lot. I'm basing my observation mostly on Trance's comment and just raising some points/questions that maybe got overlooked and hopefully help. Personally I'd love a shot at archmage or succubus slots, been hoping a slot would open up. I greatly enjoy your art style and would love to get it on a regular basis. Though I understand your desire to limit those slots. But to focus on the changes, from the perspective of a supporter what separates the 20$ tier from the ones below it? People look for the most bang for their buck. The 20$ tier does offer some good things. The YCH early AB sounds enticing, a good coupon for etcy and extra votes along with cameo in comics and commissions. Though from the sounds of it, with how tight the schedule seems, does the 20$ really benefits from the YCH early AB and the cameos? Your schedule, from the looks of it (based on trance's comment above), is very tight and doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room to the point you mention dropping the total number of archmage slots if someone drops. So are you doing enough YCH to justify the early AB attempt? Which isn't guaranteed because the archmage and succubus also get the early AB as well (unless I'm wrong). Does the 20$ tier benefit getting cameos in comics that may or may not be in the works? Do you feel like you're doing comics enough to justify this incentive? I'm unsure what commission cameos are, but do you think the supporters are getting this to keep keep them at the magician tier? The random archmage sketch does sound like it could be a nice reward for the jump from 9$ to 20$. It's not guaranteed like the archmage but still a good reward. I can see some people having a problem with it, RNG does suck at times. But most who would have a problem with it are greedy. I'm sure the 'raffle' could be modified to give more people a chance etc etc. There is never a perfect system and always room for improvements.


Thank you for your input! My schedule has been very busy, and as far as the perks of the $20 tier currently - I feel like I haven't delivered on those enough to make the tier currently worth it. Which is why I was hoping a shot at an Archmage sketch would bring more incentive to the tier. I want to make things as fair as possible, while also not killing myself over making everyone happy. I had an Archmage drop this month, and wanted to avoid people fighting over the spot. Letting more people have access to it will hopefully be a good deal in the end. And I can possibly cycle more into it as people drop out, or if the tier becomes very popular.


I think it sounds like a sound-plan, spread the love w/o overloading yourself. It won't affect me but I can see the possibility of 'winning' a Archmage-sketch as good incentive for the jump, I absolutely love all of mine.