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Hey guys, long time no update. oops! 

I just sent out May's rewards and Etsy code coupons! I hit 66 Patrons at my highest point last month which was fabulous <3 I'm about 15% away from my next Patreon goal too. Once I hit that point I will be adding another pinup/completed piece, but this one will be solely my choice. I'd like to start doing more art of my own characters and such. ^^

Next month is my birthday (Yay 28!) and I'd like to do something special, art wise, but I'm not 100% sure yet! Something fun like a patreon request stream/hangout or a free art raffle. :D

Health Update
Those of you in my discord and who follow me on twitter know I've been having some problems - mostly revolving around severe migraines and phantosmia (phantom smell). I have a couple MRI's planned for the end of this month as my GP suspects I have something growing on my pituitary gland. She stressed that if this is the case - it's nothing to worry about and it's easily removable. :)

I mostly wanted to be transparent in case my workflow slows down or I am away for long periods in Discord. I will most likely touch on this subject again after my tests come back.


I can't thank you all enough for your support, be it one month or to those of you who pledge multiple months. You guys keep me going, you keep my job fun, and you allow me to continue to do what I love. I wish I could open more Archmage/Succubus spots but as it is, it's a lot of work already. I may open a commission tier this year that resets monthly to give more people a chance. :)



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