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Heyhey, it's erm been a bit again but here with an update.

So firstly, I changed the video I was doing again...again. Look, I know. So to make sure I stick with one and I actually finish it, here's the teaser (And a bit more tbh) for it.


I'll be posting spoilers about what was chosen below and why not the other thing, so watch above link first maybe.

So what were you making before switching for the 8th time?

I was pretty sure I was doing Yelan tbh. The idea seems good, my genshin videos were very successful and her character appeals to me...but writing it was just, very forced. Honestly, I thought I had completely lost my ability to make these videos. As I've told other people, you need passion for these videos or you end up making mediocre stuff that nobody likes.

And well yeah, I thought I had lost it when I was struggling with Yelan. If you've been following me before you'd have seen I struggled writing sometimes, but this was different. I just couldn't nail the flow or progression of the video. It's hard to explain, but that stuff used to be instant

But then I thought...let's give BB a shot.

Well, this video is going much better. Truthfully it's going to be a bit before it's out due to sheer length, but I've made more in one day than I did in my last week trying to write Yelan vid. So yay. I'm aiming to do one full scene per day, but I refuse to do any time estimates from now on.

Crisis averted?

To be honest, I'm still concerned that I am struggling as much as I am with Yelan. Hopefully it's a temporary problem and I can go back to it later after taking a mental refresher with BB (And doing houshou). Idk though.

Doggo of the week


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