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Sorry for the long delay here. But it's time to move onto the phase of naming cajoi-chan(Temporary name).

So, I got a bunch of submissions and have vetoed...a lot of them.

Vetoed names

Any that has "Kuro" (Black) in it. Yes, she's got darker skin but I feel like having black in her name is a bit obvious and overdone. The one who submitted kurokao (blackface) is especially vetoed.

I forgot the JP for it, but somebody submitted one that translated to whore face. Not going with that one.

Eliza. It's a great name! However, it's the name of a Tekken character who happens to be a sexy horny vampire. So, a bit too similar for what I'm going for.

Samira. Sorry, LoL names are banned. 

Remaining names

Leah (Just a regular name, no thoughts to add here.)

Kirome (Kinda sounds like kill me in a JP accent if you say it fast. I don't know if this is a positive or a negative.)

Lusticia (Has lust in the name. Succs have lust)

Lilly (Another ordinary name. But to clarify, ordinary isn't bad, vote for what you like.)

Ai-chan (Pronounced the JP way, so like eye. Has AI in the name, and ai also means love. Also shares a name with my favourite JAV star)

K'ai (Also on the AI theme. Is not pronounced how you probably think, but more "Co aie")

For the form, I want you to select up to three. You may choose less if you like. If you pick more than three I will be deleting your answer.


Oh, and a reminder of how she looks (very nsfw)



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