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Hey everyone, sorry for no update last week but well, things have been a touch complicated. 

So in short, do you remember how I got covid a while back? It kinda fucked everything up. Obviously I lost a week of work or so with the covid, but more importantly it prevented my trip to Portugal where I had my own nice office room booked and everything. Instead I've had to stay with family and the conditions for working have not been great at all. 

I will spare you the drama, and just say that staying with family is awkward. I have however seen my parents for the first time in a year, and the dogs I grew up with which was nice. So here's a dog pic as apology

The white one's an old boy now.

HOWEVER, I have still been making progress. Which you will see below in the video making section.~

But before that...song of the week. Back to totally random and I have no idea what it will be....



Huh, interesting choice. Idk what genre it is...poprock from early 00s I think.

Video making updatarino

Yuno yandere vid: $12 exclusive voiced. The script is DONE, I am just going over it for a second draft, should be done tomorrow easily, then send off to VA for a week, and then 2 days or so to get it out. Items you might want to get prepared for it....cuffs/rope/tape to tie your limbs, and a long thing item to simulate a knife like a thin ruler...please do not use a knife.

If you are not into the painful side of the yandere experience, don't worry...it's a multiroute video and you can avoid the knifey side and get the lovey side, if you are devoted.

Private birthday video: So, I accepted an offer over a year ago to make somebody some exclusive video, and well it's coming up. It's due at the end of this month and I will now need to put in a lot of time for this to not be late.

Helltaker "halloween" video: I guess this is the one that requires the most explanation. It was about 80% done, I had a day left and could have forced it out. But it didn't feel right honestly. I was going to cut a section out for $12+, but honestly having it as part of the core experience is key...but the section I wanted to cut is about 10 minutes and I had not started it. So, I figured there's no point rushing it at this stage. (I also wasn't happy with a chunk of the early parts either). Due to the private vid it won't be out this month, but I can promise it will be out December...

And I also promise that you will finally get the St Louis spends time with a richer guy video then. That's currently sitting about 40% and it's a bit cursed. But I'm not stuck with it, but everytime I work on it something happens. The first time was about a year ago when my computer blew up and I lost everything...now it's other videos taking priority. Either way, you will get this by the end of December, I guarantee it...and I don't think I've fucked up one of these promises yet.


...I still didn't message Grima funders yet did I? Well, I'll do that right after this post before sleeping...

Other than that, there's really nothing to say other than to use your allowance.



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